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<br />NEAL H. WOOD, II <br />6235 HUNTER ROAD <br />HAMEL, MN 155340 <br /> <br />(812) 478-8419-home (612) 229-6496-work (612) 229-8494-fax <br /> <br />Auqust 4, 1993 <br /> <br />Planninq Commi.sion <br />city council <br />City ot Ro..villa <br />Ro..vill., MN e5113 <br /> <br />Rei 2250 Aoorn Road <br /> <br />Dear Sirs/Madams: <br /> <br />I am appearing before you on behalf of my mo~her, Martha S. Wood. <br /> <br />Hrs. Wood is applying for a clivision of her property into two <br />parcels. The property i8 located at the southeast corner of Acorn <br />Road and the southwest trontaq. road tor the inter..ction of <br />Highways MN-J6, I-3!5W,' and Cleveland Avenue. One parcel will <br />contain the hoæe and appropriate surroun4inq land; the other will <br />be left tor future development. 80th paraels are and will remain <br />zoned .s R-J.. <br /> <br />Hr- Wood, t.ogether with her deoeased husband, purchased the subject <br />property in 1950 and construoted a 2,589 s.!. home at tbat time. <br />Reoently, !Irs. Wood has decided that she will not be able to <br />continue to occupy this home and will 800n .ell it. However, sbe <br />desire. to divided the +/- 2.5 aores for future development. <br />Several of her neighbors have taken similar aotion in recent years. <br /> <br />Parcel 8 will oontain the present house located on the easterly <br />portion of the property. Parcel A will be looated alonq Acorn Rd, <br />the westarly portion ot the property. As proposed, Paraal A and <br />Parcel B will bave approximately 63,300 and 42,900 square feet, <br />respectively. At 8liqhtly 1... than 1.0 acre, Parcel B wou1d Þe <br />very c01apatibla with the neighborhood which today oantains at least <br />three lo~. of about 0.75 acre. <br /> <br />w. propos. an easement along the north 52.8 teet ot Parael A in <br />favor of parcel B tor appropriate vegetation or land8caping. This <br />will fac!liate for the owner of Parcel B the ability to oontrol, <br />pre.erve and expand screeninq ot noi.. and sightl!n.. from the <br />Øi9hway. 35W, 36, and Cleveland interchange and proposed fu~ure <br />4evelopmant in the northwest interchanq. quadrant, beyond. This <br />ea...ant would ooinoi~e w1'th tha water line easement over that <br />parcel which 1. too clos. t,e) the north boundary t.o create a <br /> <br />2"d <br /> <br />Sl.]59:1 "1::II:)]dS/" .l1::lN"\.t:J Wd32: 170 £6, 52 g1:: <br />