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<br />\.4..A. I I: 1..11 .,lJv....·.. .. ......'- <br /> <br />........."",... ....,...... __1- <br /> <br />"-1· <br /> <br />- - ..,. ...",...,. - . <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />PlANNING REPORT: <br /> <br />DATE: <br /> <br />September 8) 1993 <br /> <br />CASE NUMBER: <br /> <br />2614 <br /> <br />APPLICANT: <br /> <br />Charles Kadrie . <br /> <br />LOCATION: <br /> <br />1281 Josephine Road <br /> <br />ACIION REQUESTED: <br /> <br />Variance 10 the Provisions of the Rosevil1e <br />Shoreland Management Ordinance <br /> <br />. -- <br /> <br />1. BACKGROUND <br /> <br />The City of Rosevil1e adopted the Shore)and Management Ordinance in the <br />late 1970's pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes. The stated purpose of the <br />ordinance is to preserve and enhance the quality of surface waters~ 10 <br />preserve economic and natural environmental vulues of shorelands, and <br />provide for the wise utilization of waterS and related land resources. The <br />ordinance contains many criteria and standards to comol the use of <br />shore1ands witlún the City of Roseville) most notably setback requirements <br />ftom the ordinary high water line of public waters. For structures in an R-1 <br />zoning distri~ the setback is 75 feet trom the water line. <br /> <br />In a fashion similar to the zoning ordinancc) the s110rcland mzmagcment <br />ordinance provides fur uses of shorelands in existence prior to the date of <br />enacnnent of the ordinance that do not meet minimum lot area, setbacks, or <br />other dimensionaJ requirements of the chapter. This section 'of the ordinance <br />also states that any alteration or addition to a substandard use which win <br />increase the substandard dimension, shall not be allowed. <br /> <br />2. DeveJooment SummaIY <br /> <br />Mr. Kadrie's home. located at 1281 Josephine Road was built in 1967. 1t <br />was constructed with two decks, one at gradc"1everand one on the first floor <br />level. The principal structure is located 37 feet fTom the shorø1ine and the .- <br />at grade deck is localed within 1 S feet of the shoreline. <br />