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<br />-3- <br /> <br />B. state exactly what is inte.rxled to be done on or with the pro¡;erty which <br />does not conform with the City CCx:le: <br /> <br />20. Applioants requesting a rezoning, special use permit, RJD, variance, division <br />of lot, or plattirq Qf property are encouraged to corxiuct a neighborhocd <br />1\'eQting at least fifteen (15) days before the scheduled Planning Commission <br />PubJ.ic Hearing, arrl shaJ.l send notices to all of the affected property ~ers. <br />Affected owners are whose listed on the required Abstractor's Certificate. 'D'le <br />maetirq shall be a titre fer the applicant to r:eNiew an::i explain the proposed <br />development to the CMnerS. ' <br /> <br />'!his policy applies only t¥hen residential property, R-l through P"-8, is listed <br />on the .Absb:actor's Certificate. rnú.s policy does not apply to pro¡;::erty <br />proposed for developrÅ“nt which is zoned R-l an::t will be or contÍJ1ue to be used <br />for sirY:1le family housin;f. <br /> <br />Please in:tlcate the date that you have met or will be msetin;r with the affected <br />property owners: - <br /> <br />21. Excet?t as noj:ed. the folJ...c.wjpg irtfo:r;:nat;ion myst be ~tt§'!¢l 1;or all <br />atrglig¡\tiQns. <br /> <br />A. Application ar:d Fee. <br /> <br />E. Abstractor's CartÌficate listin;J the ~ ~ ApDRESSES ON I.ABEI.S of the <br />c:MnerS of the lani within 350 feet of the bourdaries of the property in <br />question special use pe:rmit, rezonin:J, roD an:1 comprehensive plan <br />amerrlment aw1ications is required. 250 feet for variance, lot ðivisions, <br />preliminary/final plat, house relocation, a.n::i vacation of right-of-way <br />. applications is required. <br /> <br />c. Proposed. plans (2 copies) including site plan, lan::3scape plan, grading and <br />drai.naqe plan, and exterior building" elevation drawings showing buildihg <br />:materials is required (1 oopy for shoreline petmÍt). <br /> <br />D.. Reductions of a readable scale of the proposed plan (26 copies). (1 copy <br />only for shoreline pemits). <br /> <br />E. NatTatiVQ - (see attached content requiremants) . <br /> <br />F. [):)anÅ“nts as required by the City Planner. <br /> <br />J <br />