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<br />1\,ffibauft of ¡tuhlicatinn <br /> <br />&lute of 1Iinnenotu} <br />SS. <br />(!tnuntu Df 1Rumneu <br /> <br />1>1. Theodore <br /> <br />Lillie <br /> <br />, being duly sworn, on oath says that <br /> <br />, <br />I <br /> <br />he/she is the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper <br /> <br />known as Rosevi11e Review <br /> <br />, and has full knowledge of the facts which <br /> <br />are stated below: <br /> <br /> <br />(A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qual1fication as <br /> <br /> <br />a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable <br /> <br /> <br />laws, as amended. <br /> <br />(B) The printed <br /> <br />Public Hearing Notice <br /> <br />which Is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper. and was printed and published <br /> <br />once each week, for <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />successive weeks; it was first published on rrl1E"sday, the <br /> <br />14 th day of June <br /> <br />19-9.Ã.. <br /> <br />and was thereafter printed and published on every <br /> <br />to and including <br /> <br />. the <br /> <br />day of <br /> <br />. 19_; and printed <br /> <br />below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which Is hereby <br />acknowledged,as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of the <br /> <br />notice: <br /> <br />. AEJCÐ[iFSllldKLMN8PQASTI::I';'NXYZ <br />>/lE!CDiiFGiÞH tKLMNOPQR$TIII/IM)(Yi.-- <br />> abcdefghljkl mnopqrstuvwxyz <br /> <br />BY: <br /> <br />;¡ ~.J2~ /~ <br />¡;fl <br /> <br />TITLE: <br /> <br />Subscribed and sworn to before me on <br /> <br /> <br />, 19-9A <br /> <br />"Alphabet should be in the same size and kind of type as the notice. <br /> <br />+ ..Qi;;1o>I~.t.t~cl.>"il ¡;¿;¡:~~~~';:i"~:'i~~¡..:t;J;i}\Y.!Ð-~ J~~~w......-;~t-~ ~1~1. ""':',ö.(';. <br /> <br />I ~,',,"',^Þ<'; CAHOLE H[,UnUNG ' <br />I . I\lOTARY f"UBUC-MINNE8m1\ ~ <br />I . RAMSEY COUNTY ~ <br />i My Comm. Expi røs May 1, 1 S98 I <br />+......~~~f&lØiH :ao,'fl~~~~l~~~~+ <br /> <br />RATE INFORMATION <br /> <br />(1) Lowest classified rate paid by <br />commercial usars for comparable space. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$14.10 per col. inch <br /> <br />(2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.63 per col. inch <br /> <br />(3) Rate actually charged for the above matter ". - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ <br /> <br />per col. Inch <br /> <br />1/94 <br />