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<br /> <br />t:::1 <br /> <br />c. <br />o <br /> <br />c ~ ~~o <br /> <br />LAND USE/CIRCULATION ALTERNATIVES <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />EXHIBIT 1: SCALE 1"-200' <br />KEHR PROPOSAL N.o- <br />PLUS FUTURE STREET CONNECTIONS <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />[¡blblt 1 <br /> <br />1. Exhibit 1 ilIustratel the existing conditions in the ar.. with the addition oftbe current 23 <br />housing units proposed by Xehr (6 uniUlacre). It has been dlJlsned to eventually <br />incorporate the Borgstrom Property into the development. Ifthi, d<>ea not oceur. the <br />PUD could requirt additional buft'ering, screenln¡ or even a change in eM layout. As <br />cumntly p1anned and zoned, Kehl'. land could be used f()r ling1e fanüly homes at <br />approximately 3.3 uÑtll'acre. It would add 10-12 homes with 100.120 total trips per day <br />1JId. 30 to 35 new residents; and it wou1cf add $1.5 milliOD In new houlin¡ value. <br /> <br />2. Xebr's proposed 23 unit devdopment will add approximately 35 new resident.. tenerate <br />between 140 and 160 total trlfÜc mOVC!nent. (m or out); ID6 add II) utimated $3.4 <br />million in new bousin¡ development, <br /> <br />3. lfth. Xebr project is approved. the !and UN desisnation to the east ofKehr Iboutd <br />eventuaUy be changed to MR Medium Density Residential. The fUture street extensions to <br />Dale Street ad to the west Jhould be induded in the Comprehensive Plan. making it clear <br />in the text of the plan that these Itreets will be built _ when these areas develop, All of <br />theu land ownen can continue to maintIin the curren1 UM oftbeir properties ..tong as <br />th,y want. They can ..U the property or even rebuUd. The Ñture atreeta would onJy be <br />"__'¡IIf"If If ~tf et!ff fit!! owner decides to develop the !and, <br />