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<br />(.. ... <br /> <br />4. At the May 11, 1994 Planning Commission meeting, the Commission reconsidered its' <br />previous contradictory recommendations of May 9 and April 13. The Commission <br />(on May 11, 1994) reconunended a change ITom low density to medium density on the <br />comprehensive plaø for 811 land including Kehr, and the West County Road C on the <br />norht. Dale on the east. and Central Park on the south. In addition, the Commission <br />recommended a change in the Comprehensive Plan designation on the American <br />Legion property from Institution to low density, and recommended that no road <br />connect the low density area to the medium density area (see the attached minutes). <br /> <br />Development Analvsis <br /> <br />1. Since the consultant and staff originally reviewed Mr. Kehts proposal, we have <br />recommended the Kehr deve10pment omy if the area between the Kehr property and <br />Dale Street was also designated as MR Medium Density Residential. Without this <br />action, the land use and zoning on the Kehr property would result in an island of MR <br />with single family or duplex uses on either side. Two conditions of approval should <br />be included. First, future street extensions could be made both to Dale Street and to <br />the west. These are long teon considerations and not needed until these adjacent <br />areas redevelop. Second, a regional stonn water facility to handle a11 development in <br />this area should be seriously studied. TIùs would be more efficient and aestheticaHy <br />pleasing from a land use perspective. <br /> <br />2. As discussed during the Comprehensive Plan workshops, the most difficult aspect of <br />the redevelopment of areas like this one is detennining when enough change has <br />occurred. Under the correct set of cÍfcwnstances and with the controls that the City <br />will maintain in this case, the City can change the land use designation between the <br />Kehr property and Dale Street. There is no need to change further to the west. The <br />area to the west should await redevelopment of the American Legion property. The <br />Legion has stated that they are not interested in pursuing a change at this time. <br /> <br />3. Both Dale Street and County Road C have the capacity to handle the added traffic. <br /> <br />Exhibit 1 <br /> <br />1. Exhibit 1 il]ustrates the existing conditions in the area with the addition of the current <br />23 housing units proposed by Kehr (6 units/acre). It has been designed to eventually <br />incorporate the Borgstrom Property into the development. If this does not occur, the <br />PUD could require additional buffering, screening or even a change in the layout. As <br />currently planned and zoned, Kehr's land could be used for single family homes at <br />approximately 3.3 units/acre. It would add 10-12 homes with 100-120 total trips per <br />day and 30 to 35 new residents; and it would add $1.5 million in new housing value. <br /> <br />2 <br />