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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
6/25/2014 10:26:48 AM
Creation date
6/25/2014 10:21:04 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 9,2014 <br /> Page 13 <br /> ment person and provide expertise with tree preservation as the City redevelops <br /> parcels with existing mature trees. As the Tree Board, Commissioner Doneen <br /> stated that they would be more than willing to engage with the Planning Commis- <br /> sion in cross-efforts and endeavors for a reasonable tree preservation plan. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked Commissioner Doneen if, in his involvement with <br /> the Natural Resources and Trail System (NRATS) portion of the Renewal Pro- <br /> gram if he saw continued work with the PWETC on some issues (e.g. water quali- <br /> ty and tree preservation), recognizing that there were commissioners on the <br /> PWETC that were passionate about those topics as well. <br /> Commissioner Doneen recognized that potential, but having worked with that <br /> group already, opined that his best sense was that a specific charge should be pro- <br /> vided rather than an ongoing relationship, whether with the Parks & Recreation, <br /> PWETC, and/or Planning Commission, and at the discretion of the City Council <br /> for a specific task and recommendation. <br /> Chair Holt concurred, noting that the NRATS was looking for a more proactive <br /> approach and specific direction from the City Council to develop action steps. <br /> Community Center <br /> Commissioner Terrance (Terry) Newby noted that there had been considerable <br /> discussion in the past, including public surveys in 2011 and 2014, all identifying <br /> strong public support for the idea of a community center. <br /> Commissioner Newby opined that the next step for the Commission was guidance <br /> from the City Council as to whether they were charged with moving forward to <br /> pursue this further, or if it should remain on the back burner as not being a top <br /> priority. Given the expanse of the issue and amount of time it could consume, <br /> Commissioner Newby sought direction in relationship to the other priorities of the <br /> Commission at this time. <br /> Over time, Councilmember Willmus noted that the City Council was aware of the <br /> interest and survey data providing a fairly consistent message from the communi- <br /> ty for a community center. Councilmember Willmus advised that he'd be inter- <br /> ested in learning more about how the City would propose to close the operational <br /> funding gap. Even with the City of Shoreview and Maplewood community cen- <br /> ters, and their business models, Councilmember Willmus noted the annual finan- <br /> cial gap (e.g. $300,000 for Shoreview Community Center) and how those gaps <br /> could be addressed if the project were to move forward; or how to offset that gap <br /> to keep the facility going. <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted that, as long as she'd been a resident, this had <br /> been an issue; and that was the reason for her being outspoken with the Parks Re- <br /> newal Program, that the buildings should have been funneled into a community <br />
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