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City Council Meeting Minutes
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6/25/2014 10:26:48 AM
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 9, 2014 <br /> Page 15 <br /> those amenities may already be in place in other facilities, recognized that some <br /> may also have certain limitations (e.g. walking track at the OVAL). Coun- <br /> cilmember Etten opined that the important thing was to nurture all ages in the <br /> community in different ways and bring them together in a common space. <br /> Mayor Roe echoed comments of his fellow Councilmembers, noting the differ- <br /> ence in the upfront cost for construction and ongoing operating cost, while also <br /> understanding the high potential for a subsidy for long-term maintenance and up- <br /> keep and understanding overall benefits to the community. Regarding the City's <br /> financial picture, Mayor Roe noted that the community had just begun paying for <br /> the Park Renewal Program bonds; however, conversely they were 3-4 years from <br /> paying off the City Hall/Public Works Building improvement bonds, which may <br /> create a potential fund to cover other infrastructure needs. As a way to address <br /> local sales taxes, Mayor Roe noted that the legislature looked at regional benefits <br /> in providing tax levy support; and suggested that shifting the OVAL to that re- <br /> gional support as a regional facility may open up more funding to operate that and <br /> shift available funding to a community center. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested that the Commission take those things brought forward to- <br /> night by individual Councilmembers, with the charge for them to come up with <br /> more concrete answers to look at more seriously in an effort to understand the fi- <br /> nancial impacts to residents and businesses in the community. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte suggested having discussions with communities sur- <br /> rounding Roseville that had community centers and/or private enterprises provid- <br /> ing the preferred amenities, and determine how to partner with them, or avoid <br /> competing with those private entities. Councilmember Laliberte again opined that <br /> the past needs of the community may be met with the new park buildings under <br /> construction. <br /> In speaking for senior citizens in the community, Councilmember McGehee <br /> opined that they didn't go to the private entities, but more often went to the com- <br /> munity centers in Maplewood or Shoreview that were more geared to the older <br /> community with classes specific to their comfort level, further opining that those <br /> needs were not being met in the commercial environment. <br /> Chair Holt, in recognizing the public engagement discussions through the Master <br /> Plan process, admitted that it wasn't easy to define what actual amenities were de- <br /> sired, since there was a multitude of interests. In addressing costs, Chair Holt ad- <br /> vised that the Commission, as part of the Park Renewal Program, had looked at <br /> them quite extensively, and the cost of a community center as envisioned was <br /> more than the entire bonding program. Not to discount the desire and/or need for <br /> a community center, Chair Holt realistically advised that there was no funding <br /> available for one, and providing a community center was not as easy as we'd like <br /> it to be, with so many generations in the community needing to be satisfied. <br />
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