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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
6/25/2014 4:00:52 PM
Creation date
6/25/2014 4:00:41 PM
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Public Works Commission
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and would need tweaking before finalized. Chair Stenlund opined that other <br /> states must have something available that could be built on. <br /> In response to item 2), Ms. McKeown offered to look at the City's current <br /> ordinance language, and provide model language from the Green Step Cities <br /> website that would allow developers to move forward if and when adopted. Ms. <br /> McKeown advised that the model language was already available as part of her <br /> work with the Department of Energy. Ms. McKeown advised that the City of <br /> Rosemount had recently passed a good model ordinance, specifying where they <br /> did and did not want solar panels located. <br /> In response to item 3), Ms. McKeown noted that this is all so new, CERT's had <br /> purposely decided not to be aggregators or developers, in order to provide <br /> unbiased information to encourage and address community interest and protect <br /> those interests in partnership and provide resources and information as requested, <br /> as no one else was serving in that capacity at this time. <br /> Carol Rust, representing Knox North Como Presbyterian Church <br /> Ms. Rust advised that the church was interested in installing a solar array; and <br /> questioned if there was a minimum amount allowed for a building. Ms. Rust <br /> advised that the church was considering installing 80-100 panels at this time. <br /> Ms. McKeown responded that the minimum was probably five panels, and the <br /> same number of subscribers; cautioning that the system could not be built beyond <br /> the 120% of the church's current energy use. <br /> Member Seigler noted that there was nothing to preclude the church installing <br /> solar if they owned it themselves; but Ms. Rust clarified that the church was <br /> pursuing community solar options. <br /> Ms. Rust stated that they had been told that community solar was more expensive <br /> as the community then took more risk and maintained the panels, even though <br /> they had yet to determine costs. Ms. Rust advised that the problem was not <br /> knowing more information ahead of time before making those decisions; and the <br /> lack of information about where to go to get accurate information for non-profits; <br /> and asked for Ms. McKeown's assistance. <br /> Ms. McKeown advised that she had applicable information with her, and was also <br /> available on their website; and should provide the church with the most thorough, <br /> unbiased information available at this time. <br /> Stuart Roberts <br /> Mr. Roberts referenced Bethel Church in Minneapolis, and suggested that Ms. <br /> Rust model their program on theirs rather than trying to do their own. <br /> Page 13 of 20 <br />
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