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<br />, ' <br /> <br />D. <br /> <br />Storm Water Overlay District <br /> <br />The minimum lot area, width and depth requirements of the underlying land use district sha11 apply <br />provided that no land below the normaJ level of the adjacent storm water pond may be inc1uded to <br />meet the minimum lot area dimension. <br /> <br />5.2 Additional Lot Dimension Requirements for Shoreland Overlay Districts <br /> <br />A. Residentia] subdivisions with dwelling unit densities exceeding those in the tables in <br />Sections 5.1 may only be allowed if designed and approved as residential planned unit <br />developments under Section 10.0 of this ordinance. Only land above the ordinary high <br />water level of public waters can be used to meet lot area standards, and lot width <br />standards must be met at both the ordinary high water level and at the building line. <br /> <br />B. Lots intended as controlled accesses to public waters or as recreation areas for use by <br />owners of nonriparian lots witrun subdivisions are permissible but must meet or exceed the <br />fo11owing standards: <br /> <br />1) they must meet the width and size requirements for residential lots, and be suitable <br />for the intended uses of controlled access lots; <br /> <br />2) if docking, mooring r over~water storage of more than six (6) ercraft is to be <br />aUowed at a con led access Jot, then the w1dth of the lot eping the same lot <br />depth) must Increased by the percent of the require ts for riparian residential <br />lots for e watercraft beyond six, consistent wit e following table: <br /> <br /> <br />n __..:__.J' ______ <br />l'.CY Uln;: J 1,;1 C¡;¡:¡C <br />. rontage <br />(percent) <br /> <br /> <br />--'" _ __t,.~ ft:. _ t _.I-.... ~.::.. ~ ~...,... <br />"::> F to.: \. ~ \...C)\m",? \ -1"" \.... v <br />a.a..c.V\ lot" t.\.~d. ~..,. <br />CO,"" \\rCÞ" ~t\ Q.C~~ <br /> <br />Controlle J.\ccess Lot Frontage Requirements <br /> <br />--"~L~ __~,,____""r" <br />~.rJtrf'Po 'l!UUoV1õ- -.., ~. <br />l'O pee.r (1. ...!Sflot''- Co",Io,ud. <br /> <br />3) they must be jointly owned by aJl purchas rs of lots in the subdivision or by all <br />purchasers ofnonriparian lots in the subdivision who are provided riparian access <br />rights on the access lot; and <br /> <br />4) and covenants or other equally effective legal instruments must be developed that <br />specify which lot owners have authority to use the access lot and what activities <br />are allowed. The activities may include watercraft launching, loading, storage, <br />beaching, mooring, or docking. They may also include other outdoor recreational <br />activities that do not significantly conflict with general public use of the public <br />water or the enjoyment of normal property rights by adjacent property owners. <br />Examples of the nonsignificant conflict activities 1nclude swimming, sunbathing, or <br /> <br />BDS, 7/19/94 11 <br />