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<br />PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE <br /> <br />TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I <br />, NotIce Is hereby given that the Planning Commission 01 the City 01 RosevIlle wUl meet at RossvlUe <br />City Hall, 11660 Civic Center Drive, on Wednesday, September 14,1994 at 7:30 p,m" lor the pur- <br />pose of consIdering the lollowlng request: <br />Metro paper Recovery, Inc. request for an Interim use permit for outside storage at 2785 N. <br />Falrvlew Avenue, <br />,The ClIy Councl1 , >01 the eny ot AQllev\lIe, wlll meet on Monday, Septembel' 26,1994 at City . <br />Hall at 7:30 p.m., to consider this request, <br />'-EOA!. DESCRIPTION: <br />The south Five HUf)dred Fifty (S. 660) leet 01 the East Seven' Hundred, Ninety-two (E, 792) leet <br />01 the Northsast Quarter (NE 114) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) 01 Section Four (4), Township <br />TwentY-nine (2~), Range. Twenty-three (~3), according to the United States Government Survey <br />thereol, subject to Falrvlew Avenue, eubJecI to an easement for drainage purposes over and aerosa <br />a sirlp'ol land Twenty (20) leet wide, the center fine 01 which shall commence on the North line <br />01 the Southeast Quarter 01 1he Southwest Quarter at a point 660 leet East 01 the West line 01 <br />881d Quarter QUJlrter Section thence runnIng North 360 feet, thence runnIng West Thirty Degrees <br />North to the Lake now existing said easement to terminate on August 26, 1965, or sooner upon <br />drainage 01 the Lake, and sublect to sewer easement 01 record, <br />It Is lurther adjudged and decreed thai the boundary lines 01 property 8S herebyllxed and <br />8slabl[shed 88 outlined In the certlllc~te of survey made by Donatd O. Carley, dated January 12, <br />1955 on lIIe herein. <br /> <br />St.v.n R. S.rkozy <br />City Menager <br /> <br />(RoseVm~ Review: Aug. 30, 1994) <br /> <br /> <br />I ' <br />I' · <br />:,11 <br />I }I <br />,,' <br />~, <br />\~\ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />, <br />. <br />~ ---. <br /> <br /> <br />. - <br />Metro Pap.,. R~(:i)Yer:')'. [n(, r,qlJut for <br />Cln Int,"!M I.ISt' perMit 1'01",ld'" ItOl"og. <br />Clt 2'185 FClll"vl'w Av., N. . <br /> <br />, <br />