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<br />I \~ " <br />':., ~ 1..\ <br /> <br />-3- <br /> <br />B. state exactly what is interXIed. to be done on or with the property which <br />does not conform with the city COde: <br />uSe. OF ~ wt1"t1--,fJ CbeTM~ u,...,Tll..... ~ "'oI\C.A-Tl1>N <br />of OtL.~. <br /> <br />20. Applicants requestirg a rezoninJ, speoial use permit, RID, variance, division <br />of lot, or plattin;J of property , are encouraged to CXIJ')juct a neighborhood <br />meetirg at least fifteen (15) days before the scheduled Plann:irg Commission <br />Public Hearirr;J, am shall serx1 notices to all of the affected property owners. <br />Affected owners are whose listed on the required Abstractor's certificate. 'Ihe <br />meetirg shall be a ti1re for the applicant to review and explain the proposed <br />developnent to the a.mers. <br /> <br />'!his policy applies Of'.ly when resideritial property, R-l through R-8, is listed <br />on the Abstractor's Certificate. '!his policy does not apply to property <br />proposecl f<;>r deve1q:ment which is zoned R-l an:i will be or continue to be used <br />for sirgle family housirg. <br /> <br />Please irxiicate the date that you have net or will be meeting with the affected <br />property owners: oc::,.T. '2.1, t1CJ4- - tbo~ ~ '1~ to ~~'-lE:. <br /> <br />21. Excel;)t as noted. the foll~incr information must be submitted for all <br />, applications. <br /> <br />A. Application ani Fee <br /> <br />B. Abstractor's Certificate listi.rq the NAMES AND ADDRESSES ON IABEI.S of the <br />owners of the land within 350 feet of the b::IIJndaries of the property in <br />question special use permit, rezoning, FUD and conprehensive plan <br />arnenJment applications is required. 250 feet for variance, lot divisions, <br />pre1i.minaxy/final plat, house relocation, am vacation of right-of-way <br />applications is required. <br /> <br />c. ~ plans (2 copies) includin;J site plan, landscape plan, grading and <br />draimqe plan, an:i exterior building" elevation drawings shaNing building <br />materials is required (1 copy for shoreline permit). <br /> <br />D. Reductions of a. readable scale of the prupos.:rl plan (26 copies). (1 copy <br />only for shoreline pEmUits). <br /> <br />E. Narrative - (see attached content requirements) . <br /> <br />F. Dcx::LnTents as require::l by the ,city Planner. <br /> <br />.. <br />