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<br />Member Thomas stated a letter ITom the City Attorney does not provide insight. The <br />person who will occupy the space has no experience or training as a night watchman. The <br />City Code should define "night watchman's" quarters with a kitchenette and rest room <br />facilities. <br /> <br />Motion: <br /> <br />Wietecki moved, seconded by Thomas to recommend that the Kath <br />proposal is a residence, not a night watchman quarters, and Section 8.235 <br />be reviewed and modified during the City recodification process. <br /> <br />Roll Call: <br /> <br />Ayes: <br /> <br />Wall, Sandstrom, Harms, Thomas, Wietecki <br /> <br />Nays: None <br /> <br />8. INFORMATION REPORTS AND OTHER BUSINESS: <br /> <br />a. School District Property Sketch PJa.n, <br /> <br />Michael Falk provided a background sketch plan report in which the School District <br />(as developer) proposed to construct 79 single family and 60 townhouse units on 77 <br />acres. The Roberts property consists of 12 acres, the Grauel property consists of 4.5 <br />acres or a total of94 acres. The current proposal is slightly less dense (1.945) than <br />original proposals. <br /> <br />John Shardlow, representing the developer (School District 623) provided a history of <br />the project. <br /> <br />John Thien, Deputy Superintendent for Roseville Area Schools, explained that the <br />School Board is excited about this project. The School staffis confident that the <br />project can be completed on schedule. <br /> <br />The goals of the project is to: <br />1) 'be the best environmental stewards of the property possible <br />2) maximize the return on investment to tax payers. <br />3) work cooperatively with Roseville to meet housing needs. <br /> <br />There have been 4 meetings and many newsletters to neighbors. The School District <br />spent time trying to work with vacant property adjoining the site. The School District <br />is concerned about density, and the need for high value homes. <br /> <br />John Shardlow explained the history of the School District development team and the <br />selected home builders for the site including: Len Pratt, Dave Newman, Marty <br />Harstad, John Schutes, Scott Smith <br /> <br />Member Harms asked what level of activity and! or input can she give since she works <br />with the developers on other projects. <br /> <br />Chairperson Wietecki said if there are no contracts and no selections of developers, <br />she could participate. If there is concern, she could abstain from voting. <br /> <br />3 <br />