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28. Do you feel the <br />recreational or <br />meet the needs <br />household? <br />current mix of YES ....................970 <br />sports facilities NO ......................Oo <br />of inembers of your DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......30 <br />IF ��NO," ASK: (n=1) <br />29. What facilities do you feel are missing? <br />COMMUNITY CENTER, 1000. <br />There have been on-going discussions in the community about the <br />need for a Community Center that would provide community gathering <br />space for recreation, programs and meetings. <br />30. Do you support or oppose the con- STRONGLY SUPPORT.......150 <br />struction of a Community Center by SUPPORT ................490 <br />the City of Roseville? (WAIT FOR OPPOSE .................20% <br />RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly STRONGLY OPPOSE.........6% <br />that way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.....110 <br />31. If a Community Center were built, <br />how likely would you or members <br />of your household be to use the <br />facility -- very likely, somewhat <br />likely, not too likely, or not at <br />all likely? <br />VERY LIKELY............200 <br />SOMEWHAT LIKELY........32% <br />NOT TOO LIKELY.........19% <br />NOT AT ALL LIKELY......250 <br />DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......50 <br />The construction of the Community Center would use property taxes. <br />Suppose the City of Roseville proposed a Community Center <br />development which you considered to be a reasonable approach. <br />32. How much would you be willing to <br />see your property taxes increase <br />to fund this construction? Let's <br />say, would you be willing to see <br />your monthly property taxes in- <br />crease by $ ? (CHOOSE RANDOM <br />STARTING POINT; MOVE UP OR DOWN <br />DEPENDING ON RESPONSE) How about <br />$ per month? <br />Moving on.... <br />NOTHING ................40% <br />$3.00 ..................18% <br />$6.00 ..................16% <br />$9.00 ..................12% <br />$12.00 ..................30 <br />$15.00 ..................20 <br />$18.00 ..................lo <br />DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......90 <br />