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46. Do you consider the city portion <br />of your property taxes to be <br />very high, somewhat high, about <br />average, somewhat low, or very low <br />in comparison with neighboring <br />cities? <br />VERY HIGH ..............100 <br />SOMEWHAT HIGH..........280 <br />ABOUT AVERAGE..........440 <br />SOMEWHAT LOW............lo <br />VERY LOW ................lo <br />DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.....17% <br />47. Would you favor or oppose an in- FAVOR ..................40% <br />crease in YOUR city property tax OPPOSE .................49% <br />if it were needed to maintain city DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.....11% <br />services at their current level? <br />48. When you consider the property <br />taxes you pay and the quality of <br />city services you receive, would <br />you rate the general value of city <br />services as excellent, good, only <br />fair, or poor? <br />EXCELLENT ...............90 <br />GOOD ...................730 <br />ONLY FAIR ...............70 <br />POOR ....................Oo <br />DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.....110 <br />For each of the following long-term infrastructure projects, <br />please tell me if you strongly support the City continuing to <br />invest in it, somewhat support, somewhat oppose or strongly <br />oppose. <br />49. Water and sewer pipes? <br />50. City buildings? <br />51. Pedestrian pathways? <br />52. Bikeways? <br />53. City roads? <br />Changing topics.... <br />STS SMS SMO STO DKR <br />44 0 30% 12 0 <br />260 41% 180 <br />380 370 150 <br />320 440 140 <br />640 260 50 <br />40 l00 <br />80 8% <br />60 50 <br />60 50 <br />20 30 <br />54. Other than voting, do you feel YES ....................71% <br />that if you wanted to, you could NO ....................22% <br />have a say about the way the City DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......7% <br />of Roseville runs things? <br />55. From what you know, do you approve STRONGLY APPROVE.......11o <br />or disapprove of the job the Mayor APPROVE ................770 <br />and City Council are doing? (WAIT DISAPPROVE ..............30 <br />FOR RESPONSE) And do you feel STRONGLY DISAPPROVE.....lo <br />strongly that way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......9% <br />IF ��DISAPPROVE" OR ��STRONGLY DISAPPROVE," ASK: (n=15) <br />