Laserfiche WebLink
85. How would you rate the City's <br />overall performance in communicat- <br />ing key local issues to residents <br />in its publications, website, <br />mailings, and on cable television <br />-- excellent, good, only fair, or <br />poor? <br />86. What is your primary source of in- <br />formation about the City of Rose- <br />ville? <br />87. How would you most prefer to re- <br />ceive information about Roseville <br />City Government and its activities <br />-- (ROTATE) e-mail, information on <br />the city's website, city publica- <br />tions and newsletters, mailings <br />to your home, local weekly news- <br />paper coverage, cable television <br />programming, the city's Facebook <br />page or the City's Twitter feed? <br />EXCELLENT ..............190 <br />GOOD ...................720 <br />ONLY FAIR ...............90 <br />POOR ....................Oo <br />DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......lo <br />DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......Oo <br />NONE ....................2% <br />CITY NEWSLETTER........480 <br />LOCAL NEWSPAPER........280 <br />CITY WEBSITE...........110 <br />CABLE TELEVISION........5% <br />WORD OF MOUTH...........50 <br />SCATTERED ...............lo <br />E-MAIL ..................6% <br />CITY WEBSITE...........12% <br />PUBLICATIONS/NEWSLTRS..43% <br />MAILINGS TO HOME.......17% <br />LOCAL WEEKLY PAPERS....170 <br />CABLE TV ................4% <br />CITY FACEBOOK PAGE......0% <br />TWITTER .................Oo <br />WORD OF MOUTH...........20 <br />88. Do you recall receiving the City YES ....................860 <br />publication -- "Roseville City NO .....................140 <br />News" -- during the past year? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......1% <br />IF "YES," ASK: (n=342) <br />89. Do you or any members of your YES ....................92% <br />household regularly read it? NO ......................80 <br />DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......Oo <br />90. How effective <br />publication in <br />informed about <br />the city -- ve <br />somewhat effec <br />effective, or <br />fective? <br />is this city <br />keeping you <br />activities in <br />ry effective, <br />tive, not too <br />not at all ef- <br />VERY EFFECTIVE.........330 <br />SOMEWHAT EFFECTIVE.....570 <br />NOT T00 EFFECTIVE.......60 <br />NOT AT ALL EFFECTIVE....2% <br />DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......2% <br />