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Additional detail on the Recommended Budget is shown below. Because the City is required to adopt a <br />preliminary, not-to-exceed tax levy by September 15th, the focus of this report will be on the tax- <br />supported programs with the understanding that the fee-based programs will receive broader discussion <br />and review later this year. A summary of the non-tax supported programs is shown in Aitachment C. <br />Recommended 2015 Property Tax-Su�orted Budget <br />The 2015 City Manager Recommended Budget for the property tax-supported budget is $26,090,340, <br />an increase of $1,367,055 or 5.5%. A summary of the tax-supported programs is included in <br />Attachment B. <br />A significant portion of this increase is attributable to additional lap nned capital spending for which <br />funds had already been set aside. This amounts to approximately $500,000. The remainder is largely <br />attributable to the following impact items: <br />2015 Budget Impacts: Property Tax-Supported Programs <br />2015 <br />Bud et Im act Item Descri tion / Comments Amount <br />Em lo er PERA Contribution Mandated contribution increase for Em lo ees 67,000 <br />Em lo ee COLA Based on 2% cost-of-livin -adjustment (COLA) 252,000 <br />Em lo ee wa e ste increases Eli ible em lo ees under the Com ensation Plan 129,000 <br />New IT Em lo ee * To be funded with License Center contribution 105,000 <br />EAB Removal Add'1 monies for ro ram 25,000 <br />Ca ital re lacements — New Based on Staff recommendations ( er memo) 55,000 <br />General inflation - Ca ital Inflation on scheduled ca ital re lacements 5,000 <br />General inflation - O erations Inflation on su lies, rofessional services, etc. 100,000 <br />Eliminate Use of Reserves 2014 Bud et relied on reserves to balance the bud et 346,000 <br />Reduction - Debt Service Ci Hall Bond Refundin Savin s(annual) (60,000) <br />Reduction - Debt Service Street Bond #25 Paid Off (160,000) <br />Reduction - Fire Relief Contribution Projected decrease er revised actuarial stud (11,000) <br />Total Im act � 853,000 <br />** Table includes 1T Division <br />2014 Recommended Bud�et Fundin� Sources <br />In the General Fund, non-tax revenues are expected to increase by approximately $144,000 thanks to <br />increased contributions from the License Center and additional license & permit revenues. The Parks <br />& Recreation Fund is expecting an additional $36,000 in program participation fees. Finally, the IT <br />Fund is expected to receive an additional $140,000 in JPA revenues from other cities and tower rentals, <br />along with $105,000 additional contribution from the License Center. <br />The Recommended Budget also calls for a tax levy increase of $890,829 or 4.9% over the current levy. <br />Tax Levy and Impact on Homeowners <br />The Recommended Budget calls for a tax levy of $18,894,550, an increase of $890,829 or 4.9%. For a <br />median valued single-family home that experiences an expected 11% valuation increase, the budget <br />impact is $7.56 per month. <br />If the levy is lowered by $100,000, the impact would be approximately $0.45 cents per month less. <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />