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Attachment A <br />Mr. Paschke duly noted that request; while maintaining that staff did not think either of those uses should be <br />"permitted" in a CMU District. <br />If the intent of staff was to retain the Twin Lakes CMU District as a catalyst for growth and economic <br />development, Chair Gisselquist opined that he could understand the rationale; however, he suggested other <br />uses may need to be considered based on various scenarios. <br />Member Murphy stated that he wasn't sure if he shared that opinion, and in reviewing the table if the cell in <br />Table 1005-1 remained blank, it may create a challenge for the City to address in the future. At this point, <br />Member Murphy stated that he supported designating "not permitted" in CMU areas, as proposed by staff in <br />their report. <br />Mr. Paschke advised that he would look into the background and report back to the Planning Commission <br />at a future meeting. <br />Member Boguszewski expressed appreciation to staff; noting his desire to incorporate small schools into <br />neighborhood designs, not necessarily a 14-acre school, but reiterated that those concerns would not <br />impact his decision on this request tonight, but opined that it needed to be addressed in case a change was <br />indicated in the future. <br />Chair Gisselquist opined that he could envision a small charter school or start up school in a CMU District. <br />From his personal perspective, Member Daire suggested that in staff's follow-through on Member <br />Boguszewski's requested information, it would serve to get everyone on the same page versus challenging <br />staff's wisdom in suggesting the proposed changes, to which Member Boguszewski concurred. <br />Chair Gisselquist noted that the meeting minutes and video tape would duly reflect the concerns expressed <br />by the Planning Commission about this particular designation; and as noted previously by the City Council, <br />they did follow the meeting discussion of the Commission that served to inform their discussions. <br />Applicant Representatives: Land Use Attorney Jay Lindgren with the law firm of Dorsey and <br />Whitney, 50 S Sixth Street, Mpls., MN AND CFO and Director of Business Affairs with the University <br />of Northwestern Doug Schroeder <br />Mr. Lindgren advised that he was present tonight to support the application and staff recommendations. Mr. <br />Lindgren advised that their objective was to finalize the purchase and conversion of the hotel into student <br />housing. Mr. Lindgren expressed appreciation to staff for their productive discussions over the last few <br />months in processing this issue. <br />Mr. Lindgren noted that, it was staff's determination that the neither the comprehensive plan nor zoning <br />code for this particular parcel in Roseville provided a good designation to utilize the existing college <br />designation in a CMU District. Therefore, Mr. Lindgren noted that several options were considered: <br />amendment to the comprehensive plan and zoning code, or re-designation of the zoning to Regional <br />Business to allow college use and related facilities in that area. Mr. Lindgren advised that it was Mr. <br />Paschke and Planning staff that came up with the idea that they wanted in particular to deal with what a <br />"dormitory" was and assure the building was put to its true use, with the eventual proposal for "student <br />housing" designation as a permitted use. <br />Mr. Lindgren advised that the applicant was supportive of staff's recommendation and had resubmitted their <br />application accordingly. Mr. Lindgren respectfully asked for approval by the Planning Commission, thus <br />moving the process to the City Council at their June 9, 2014 meeting; allowing completion of the application <br />and permitting process to have student housing available for the next school year. <br />Chair Gisselquist asked the applicant if this expansion was due to increased enrollment or because it was <br />hard for students to find nearby housing. <br />