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Attachment B <br />215 M. Official Action. No Public Official shall take an official action or attempt to <br />216 influence any process which will benefit any person or entity where such Public <br />217 Official would not have otherwise have taken such action but for the Public <br />218 <br />219 <br />220 <br />221 N. <br />222 <br />223 <br />224 <br />225 <br />226 O. <br />227 <br />228 <br />229 <br />Official's family relationship, friendship, or business relationship with such person <br />or entity. <br />Com�liance with Laws. Public Officials shall comply with all local ordinances and <br />State and Federal Statutes including, but not limited to, the Criminal Code, Fair <br />Campaign Practices Act, and laws governing the functioning of municipalities, <br />their elected and appointed officials, and employees. <br />Coo�eration with Ethics Committee Investi at� ions. Public Officials shall <br />cooperate with ethics investigations and shall respond in good faith to reasonable <br />requests for information. <br />230 P. Resolution of Ethics Com�laints. The Ethics Commission, City Attorney, or City <br />231 Manager, as the case may be, shall promptly attend to all ethics complaints in the <br />232 manner provided in this Code. It is expected that most complaints will be <br />233 investigated as necessary and presented to the City Council for consideration <br />234 within 45 days of submission of the complaint. <br />235 <br />236 Section 4. Special Considerations <br />237 <br />238 Situations can arise where a member of a commission, a board, or the City Council <br />239 abstains from voting because of a conflict of interest, but his or her abstention becomes a <br />240 vote either for or against the matter because a majority are required to pass or reject that <br />241 matter. This can happen where four-fifths vote is needed to pass an issue, or the vote has <br />242 to be a clear majority and a split vote does not pass or reject. <br />243 <br />244 When this happens, the City Attorney must be consulted and the final vote should carry a <br />245 public notice explaining what took place, and how it was resolved. <br />246 <br />247 Section 5. Handling Alleged Violations of Code of Ethics <br />248 <br />249 A. Complaints alleging ethical violations by Public Officials must be submitted in <br />250 written form to the City Attorney. Complaints alleging ethical violations by City <br />251 employee Public Officials shall be submitted in written form to the City Manager. <br />252 B. The City Attorney shall investigate all ethics complaints_pertaining to non- <br />253 employee Public Officials unless the City Attorney has a conflict, in which case <br />254 outside counsel will be assigned the complaint. The City Manager will investigate <br />255 complaints pertaining to employee Public Officials. <br />6 <br />