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�'I�c�Morris �������{���f,°������e �_°����>������:y; <br />July, 2014 <br />attributes people like most about living in the community. "Convenient location" is second, at <br />15%, followed by "friendly people," at 10%, and "close to family," "close to job," "good <br />schools," and "parks and trails," rank next, at eight percent each. The most serious issues facing <br />the city are "rising crime" and "high taxes," at 13% each. Twelve percent point to "street <br />repair," while 11% cite "aging population." Seven percent are concerned about "aging <br />infrastructure." A"booster" group of 24% says there are "no" serious issues facing the <br />community; the size of the booster group in Roseville is four times higher than the norm for a <br />Metropolitan Area suburb. <br />Ninety-three percent think things in Roseville are generally headed in the "right direction." Only <br />five percent regard things "off on the wrong track," primarily due to "rising crime," "high <br />taxes," and "growing diversity." <br />A top rating of 91 % of the sample report the general sense of community in the City of Roseville <br />was "excellent" or "good;," only eight percent rate it lower. Twenty-one percent report a closer <br />connection to the Roseville "as a whole," while 51% have a closer connection to their <br />"neighborhood." Nine percent report a closer connection to the "School District;" six percent, to <br />their "church; four percent to their "workplace;" and, nine percent to their "family and friends." <br />An almost-unanimous 98% feel "accepted" in the City of Roseville. <br />In thinking about a city's quality of life, thirty two percent feel the most important aspect is <br />"safety." Seventeen percent point to "good schools," while 15% cite the "sense of community," <br />and 14% point to "city upkeep." An additional ten percent think the most important aspect is <br />"quiet and peacefulness." Twenty-six percent believe "better roads" is an aspect of the city <br />which needs to be addressed in the future. Fifteen percent feel the same about "lower taxes." <br />But, 34% think there is "nothing" or are unsure that anything needs to be improved. Fifty-nine <br />percent believe there is "nothing" or are unsure about anything currently missing from the <br />community which, if present, could greatly improve the quality of life for residents. Eleven <br />percent would like to see "more affordable housing," while ten percent want "more public <br />transportation," and nine percent would like to see "more entertainment options." <br />Community Characteristics: <br />In assessing the one or two most important characteristics of a high quality of life community, <br />53% point to "good schools" and 51% choose "low crime rate." Twenty-seven percent pick <br />"well-maintained properties," and 19% select "low property taxes." <br />In examining the number or quantity of various community characteristics, majorities of <br />residents think Roseville has "about the right amount" of all 10 discussed. But, there are three <br />characteristics in which there is a degree of divided opinion. In the case of affordable rental <br />2 <br />