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TheMorris s ���'��. ��oa��� �. k=�, ,� _ <br />July, 2014 � <br />City Government and Staff <br />Respondents give the Mayor and Council a job approval rating of 88% and a disapproval rating <br />of only four percent. The almost 22-to-one approval-to-disapproval rating of the Mayor and City <br />Council is among the top ratings in the Metropolitan Area suburbs. <br />Citizen empowerment is at a very high level. A comparatively low number of residents -- 22% — <br />feel they could not have a say about the way the City of Roseville runs things, if they want. <br />Most communities score between 30% and 45% on this query. Overall, the inability to influence <br />decision-makers is not a major issue. <br />Residents award the City Staff a job approval rating of 95% and a disapproval rating of only two <br />percent. Both the absolute level of approval and the 48-to-one ratio of approval-to-disapproval <br />are also among the top Metropolitan Area suburbs. <br />Neighborhoods and Businesses: <br />Ninety-six percent rate the general appearance of the community as either "excellent" or "good;" <br />only five percent are more critical in their evaluations. "Messy yards" is the chief complaint by <br />the small number posting a negative judgment. Over the past two years, 66% think the <br />appearance of Roseville "remained about the same," while 28% saw an "improvement," and <br />only six percent, a"decline." Code enforcement is also highly rated: 87% award this service <br />either an "excellent" or "good" rating, nine percent are more critical, focusing on "messy yards" <br />and "rundown homes." Only 55% are aware that Roseville offers a housing program for <br />residential home improvements; similarly, only 56% are aware the City also sponsors free home <br />and garden workshops each February and Fall. <br />Garbage Hauling: <br />By a 46%-36% margin, residents oppose changing from the current garbage hauling system, in <br />which residents may choose from several different haulers, to a system where the City chooses <br />one hauler for the whole community. Supporters of the current system base their decisions on <br />"wanting choice," "liking current hauler," or "lower cost." Supporters of city designation base <br />their decision on "less truck traffic," "lower cost," or "safer." <br />An overwhelming 89% rate the City of Roseville's recycling program as either "excellent" or <br />"good," while four percent think it is "only fair." <br />0 <br />