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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 7, 2014 <br /> Page 16 <br /> b. Authorize Fire Department to Use the HGACBuy Purchasing Agreement for <br /> Buying New Fire Engine <br /> Tim O'Neill and Battalion Chiefs Dave Brosnahan; and Greg Peterson <br /> Battalion Chief Dave Brosnahan <br /> Chief Brosnahan provided a summary of the Houston-Galveston Area Council <br /> (HGAC) Buy Program, its history and extensive expertise in evaluating bid re- <br /> sponses for capital purchased such as fire engines, with the City's engine sched- <br /> uled for replacement in 2015, with a current replacement budget of $550,000. <br /> Chief Brosnahan advised that he had personally spoken with the Cities of St. Lou- <br /> is Park, Plymouth, Coon Rapids, and No. St. Paul, who had used this program; <br /> and all of whom had nothing but positive information and feedback, and planned <br /> to use the program again in the future for applicable large capital items. <br /> Chief O'Neill advised that, at this time, the Department was at a crossroads in the <br /> process, having identified the apparatus chassis that would work best for the de- <br /> partment; but before moving further, was seeking City Council feedback and au- <br /> thorization to use this process versus the typical lowest bid process for purchasing <br /> a new engine. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Etten, Chief O'Neill clarified that this process <br /> allowed for the Fire Department to work exclusively with one specific vendor for <br /> total customization of the equipment versus a more generic specifications from a <br /> number of manufactures who could bid on the truck. Under the low bid process, <br /> Chief O'Neill advised that the Department ran the risk of getting a piece of <br /> equipment that was not specifically designed for the benefit and interest of the <br /> Fire Department or the community due to the need to make the design and speci- <br /> fications as generic as possible for multiple bidders. Chief O'Neill also respond- <br /> ed that, throughout the HGACBuy Program, as the Department Command Staff <br /> had done over the last 4-5 months by reaching out to various vendors who could <br /> provide a new engine, and viewing the equipment and providing feedback. As a <br /> result of that process, Chief O'Neill advised that the Department had identified a <br /> manufacturer they would be comfortable entering into a relationship with to pur- <br /> chase the engine. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Chief O'Neill compared the HGACBuy Program <br /> and State Bid products, allowing for a process similar to state bid contracts in MN <br /> for chassis and cab designs, similar among all manufactures; then allowing for <br /> customization of the remaining vehicle specifications; and providing a better ap- <br /> proach and value for the City in their ultimate purchase customized to fit the <br /> needs of the community and Fire Department, by eliminating the guess work and <br /> provide the most ideal equipment. <br />