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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 7, 2014 <br /> Page 33 <br /> of providing a replacement plan in place for large trees of benefit to the communi- <br /> ty at large. Councilmember Laliberte expressed concerns related to property <br /> owners being free to remove a tree on their own property if they deemed it neces- <br /> sary to do so. <br /> Mayor Roe noted consideration was needed to define nuisance versus non- <br /> nuisance trees, which would vary per individual. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated that the City didn't want to be proscriptive and <br /> impinge on private rights; and opined that this was an interesting dichotomy of <br /> thoughts based on the preceding garage discussion. <br /> Mayor Roe requested that staff work with the various experts in the field, based <br /> on the guidance from tonight's discussion, including information from other cities <br /> for non-development activities on site; and whether to incorporate such a provi- <br /> sion in revised ordinances. <br /> Mr. Bilotta duly noted the direction, and references to other standards as outlined <br /> and suggested by Councilmember Etten. <br /> c. Planned Unit Development(PUD) Discussion <br /> Community Development Director Bilotta introduced the City's Planning and <br /> Zoning Intern Cadence Peterson, and thanked her for her work with the City to- <br /> date and this PUD analysis as detailed in the RCA dated July 7, 2014, and related <br /> attachments, including examples from other communities where PUD's work and <br /> where they don't. <br /> Mr. Bilotta noted that PUD's served to change regulations, creating a give and <br /> take situation, and cautioned that if the concern was how to deal with intangibles <br /> when meeting code, the PUD would not help, with various thresholds to consider. <br /> Mr. Bilotta encouraged the City to consider a sketch plan process as outlined in <br /> the PUD (lines 53 — 67), whether at the staff level or City Council level, noting <br /> that developers spent a considerable amount of money to get their project before <br /> the City Council; and if they were aware of things ahead of time, they were very <br /> appreciative of knowing before versus after. However, Mr. Bilotta noted that this <br /> would commit the City Council to spending more time in reviewing those sketch <br /> plans. <br /> Mr. Bilotta stated that the PUD process was very common throughout the metro- <br /> politan area; and if the City started to see a lot of them, prompting the need to see <br /> if there was a broader issue, or if it was just infill developments or other unique <br /> situations. <br />