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principal structure. <br />6. Roomers, boarders: A maximum of 3 roomers or boarders shall be permitted per dwelling unit. <br />(Ord. 1418, 10-10-2011) <br />C. Civic and Institutional Uses: <br />1. Church, Religious Institution: A facility established after the effective date of this ordinance within a <br />predominantly residential or mixed-use area shall have vehicular access to a collector or higher <br />classification street. <br />2. School, Elementary or Secondary: A facility established after the effective date of this ordinance <br />within a predominantly residential or mixed-use area shall have vehicular access to a collector or <br />higher classification street. <br />3. College, or Post -secondary School, Campus: <br />a. An office -based facility established after the effective date of this ordinance within a <br />Neighborhood Business district shall have vehicular access to a collector or higher classification <br />street, and shall have buffer area screening consistent with Section 1011.03B of this Title. <br />b. A campus master plan, approved by the City Council, may be required for campus facilities to <br />address the management of pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular circulation, relationship to <br />surrounding land uses, and buffering and screening of adjacent uses to mitigate any impacts of a <br />new or expanded/intensified campus. <br />4. Theater (Live Performance) Performing Arts Center: A facility established after the effective date of <br />this ordinance shall have vehicular access to a collector or higher classification street. <br />(Ord. 1427, 7-9-2012) <br />D. Institutional and Recreational Uses: Whenever temporary and/or portable restroom facilities are located <br />within Institutional or Park and Recreation Districts for longer than the duration of a single event, the <br />following requirements shall apply unless the Community Development Department determines that the <br />proposed location provides adequate distance and screening from residential property views: <br />1. Facilities shall be located a minimum of 75 feet from any residentially zoned property; and <br />2. Facilities shall be screened with a minimum 6 foot tall 100% opaque board -on -board wood fence. <br />E. Business and Commercial Uses: <br />1. Extended Hours of Operation adjacent to all Residential Districts: Fence or screening height in the <br />following requirements supersede the limitations established elsewhere in this Title: <br />a. Buffer Area: Where a Community Business, Regional Business, or Community Mixed Use <br />District abuts a residential district, all existing buffers shall remain in effect, and any new site <br />improvement shall include an increased buffer area of a minimum of 20 to 40 feet as determined <br />by the Community Development Department. This protective buffer shall contain no structures, <br />shall not be used for parking, off-street loading or storage, and shall include screening. The <br />screening treatment shall include the seeding of grass or sodding of the whole of the buffer area, <br />the planting of shrubbery and trees and maintaining of same, a compact screen wall, fence, berm, <br />landscaping, or combination thereof, which shall be not less than 75% opaque year-round to a <br />minimum height of 6 feet above the parking lot curb. The screening treatment must be approved <br />by the Community Development Department and shall be in harmony with a residential <br />neighborhood and provide sufficient screening of the Community and Regional Business uses. <br />The fence or landscape screening shall be no less than 6 feet at the time of installation. Where a <br />berm, wall, fence, or combination thereof is required for screening purposes for a commercial use <br />adjacent to a residential use, such berm, wall, fence, or combination thereof shall be set back from <br />the residential district boundary at least 3 times its height, and landscaped with trees, shrubs, <br />perennials and sod or seed to screen 50% of the surface of the wall or fence at maturity of the <br />plant materials year-round. <br />b. Traffic: The site plan shall provide vehicular circulation routes away from residential areas and <br />avoid commercial vehicle ingress and egress from local residential streets to commercial property <br />sites. In the site plan review and approval process, every reasonable effort must be made to design <br />the site circulation so that service vehicles over 1 ton capacity do not use routes which bring <br />