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located within buildings or as part of building complexes that include office or other employment- <br />related uses and shall be limited to 25% of the building or complex. <br />3. Motor Vehicle Broker/Wholesaler: All activities related to a vehicle broker or vehicle wholesaler <br />shall be conducted within the building. No sale lots shall be allowed. A vehicle being readied for <br />purchase/sales transaction shall be allowed to be parked in the parking lot for no more than 8 hours. <br />4. Manufacturing and Processing, Outdoor Activities/Storage: <br />a. Outdoor servicing, processing, manufacturing, or storage of the materials used in these operations <br />shall be no closer than 300 feet to a property occupied by a residential use. <br />b. All outdoor servicing, processing, or manufacturing shall be conducted, operated and maintained <br />in accordance with any necessary permits of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Ramsey <br />County, and the City. <br />c. The applicant shall provide a site plan showing the location of buildings, areas of outdoor storage, <br />servicing, processing or manufacturing, and fences and walls. A narrative shall accompany the <br />plan stating the measures the applicant will take to comply with the environmental regulations <br />established in Section 1011.02. <br />5. Wholesale Uses: Within the Office/Business Park District, a wholesale use shall not exceed 25% of <br />the gross floor area of the building where it is located. <br />G. Accessory Uses and Structures: <br />1. Telecommunication Towers and Antennas: <br />a. Private Antennas and Towers: Private (noncommercial) receiving or transmitting antennas and <br />towers more than 20 feet in height above the principal structure height in residential districts or <br />more than 50 feet in height above the principal structure height in business and industrial districts <br />shall be a conditional use in all districts. <br />b. City -Owned Antennas and Towers: City -owned or controlled antennas and tower sites shall be a <br />permitted use in Commercial, Community Mixed Use, and Employment Districts, and a <br />conditional use in all other districts. <br />c. Commercial Antennas and Towers - City Sites: Commercial receiving or transmitting antennas <br />and towers regardless of height or size with the exception of satellite dish antennas shall connect <br />to and use the City tower sites if use of such facilities is technically feasible. <br />d. Commercial Antennas and Towers - Non -City Sites: Commercial receiving or transmitting <br />antennas and towers not located on a City tower site shall be a conditional use. Commercial <br />receiving or transmitting antennas and towers may only be located in Commercial, Community <br />Mixed Use and/or Employment Districts. The City may establish permit review periods, tower <br />termination, time limits or an amortization schedule specifying the year in which the tower shall <br />be taken down by the applicant or assign. A performance bond or other surety may be required by <br />the City in order to assure removal of the tower at a specific date. <br />e. Application: The applicant shall present documentation of the possession of any required license <br />by any Federal, State, or local agency. <br />f Requirements: All antennas and towers and support structures including guy wires and <br />foundations shall be subject to the appropriate requirements of subsection A8 of this Section and <br />the setback requirements established for accessory structures in the applicable zoning district. <br />Antennas, towers, guy wires and foundations, and support buildings shall be constructed on 1 lot <br />or parcel and shall be set back a minimum of 30 feet from any front property line. <br />g. Design: All antennas and towers shall be designed and screened as visually appropriate, shall <br />utilize a City -approved gray or blue color, and shall contain no signage, including logos, except <br />as may be required by any State or Federal regulations. <br />h. Existing Facilities: Existing transmitting and receiving facilities at the time of the adoption of this <br />Section may remain in service. However, at such time as any material change is made in the <br />facilities, full compliance with this Section shall be required. No transmitting or receiving <br />antennas or towers may be added to existing nonconforming facilities. Towers and receiving <br />facilities shall be dismantled and removed from the site within 1 year after abandonment of the <br />