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<br />- , , <br /> <br />- , <br /> <br />. Ductile iron pipe shall oonfori\- t.o the. r.quirements of_ ,ASA <br />A-25.51 . (DUct.ile Iron Pipe centrifugallY- Cast.-' in 'Metal-Mol(ls, <br />" of Sanc1-LinedMold~>' It .In addi'tion, ~the pipe shall comply with' <br />the fOllowing supplement~ry provisions: . <br /> <br />- ~ - - <br /> <br />(1) Fit.tings shall conform to ~etequtr..ents of ABA A-21..10_ <br />(Ductile ItonFitt!nqs) foX' th. joj.n~ type specified., , . <br /> <br />, "', (2)A11 pipe and 'f1'tt'ing'B, s;ball )::Ie~~furn1-fiSh"ed with,oement <br />Dortar lining-meeting the~requ~rement.-of ABA A-21..for <br />standard thickne~s lining. Al:!; in1;erior' and, exterior <br />surfaces of 'the p,ip. and- f.ittitJgs ahal,1- have a, tar or <br />~ituminous seal coating at lea~t one m~l ~ick. spot.ty <br />or thin seal coating, or poor coating adhes-ion, shall be <br />cause for rejection.' <br /> <br />300"'2 Ii <br />- I <br />, .I~ i: <br />- I <br />1)/ <br />i - <br />cl''- <br />All materi~ls required for this wo~k - shalt })e new mat~rial I <br />conforming t6 requirements of the rpfereno.d specifioations for <br />the class, kind, type, size, grade,;, and b1:her details indicated II <br />in specifications. Unless otherwise indicated, all -' <br />required materials shall, be furnished by:the CONTRACTOR. -It any , <br />options ar. providecl for, a,S t'o tYP~, ' grade, or design of the 'II <br />material, the choice shall be ~imi~'d a.~may be stipulated in -' " <br />the Plans or Special Conditions of'~e~tion 100.,' , - ; <br /> <br />All'manUfaQtured products IIhall co~korm .t~detail to suoh 'I~) <br />standard design drawinqs as-may be ~eferenoed or furnished in <br />the _Plans. Otherwise, the,D~partmeht may require advanoe <br />approval of material suppliers, prci~uct .des;lqn, or other, _I, { <br />unspecified details as _it deems desirable'for maintaining <br />,adopted standa'ras. - ' I . <br /> <br />-I;,\- <br />1- <br />-It <br />- ! <br />'111, <br />) J. <br />r <br />-," ,./ <br />t, <br />i <br /> <br />I: <br /> <br />'mH <br /> <br />c <br /> <br />, , .' .$ECTIQN <br /> <br />:.:... Po- "\ i~.c . ,r <br /> <br />'Haterials ' <br />c,onstruotion : requix-emertts' -; <br />Methods of ~esting and-4isinfeating - <br />,Methods of measurcent and 'payment ' <br /> <br />.302.0 <br />303.0 <br />304.0 <br />305.0 <br /> <br />)-";""",. .,,'~-... <br /> <br />302 . 0 'I'WJ"~IALS <br /> <br />Wherever'Qonnection of dissimilar m~terials:or des~qns is <br />required, the method of joininq andrany. s~oial fit:t~n9s, <br />employed shall be subjeot to ,approv~l of the ENGINEER~ <br /> <br />302.100 PJ~E &FI,TTI~;S <br /> <br />.~'4' o.-,~" . .~..'...,~ - ~ <br /> <br />302.101 '^~E~I~ ~I~~ AND FITTI~G~ <br /> <br />- - - <br />,-{- P'; "~:H', The pipe and. fittings ,furnished shall be, of the Ducrtile Iron <br />;",' ~e as speci,tied for each pa~icuJ;.r -u-.e,''latipn. <br /> <br />, . / <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />,--t} <br /> <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />fl <br /> <br />, <br />1 <br />IJ' <br />I <br />.,Ir <br />I <br />, <br /> <br />_Ii: <br />I <br />It <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />:' '.,") ,"r <br /> <br />~ . <br /> <br />-, <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />!: ,);,~.W(~ .~,;~~ :. <br />- ~n.r11i-td:&'5~-~-.x:. ~~. I < <br />_ ~~:~Jrr~..~.,~.~~:t~\< , <br />