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<br />300-al, <br /> <br /> <br />t- <br />-'I:, <br /> <br />) <br /> <br />~I- <br />1_- <br /> <br />, <br /> <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />The priJDaty ):ine and grade will be performec1' as specified in -r--- <br />"SpeciJ\l(!ondi tions"-, 'Section' 100_. ',:Wo deviation from the <br />_ -:-eqUire4 line or grade will' be_allowtdexcept with the consent <br />ot the ENGINEER. !,' - I <br />T~ench ~cavation an~ bedding p~epa~4tions shall p~oceed ahead ' ' <br />, of pipe placement. as will permit .,pr9jer plaoement ':andj,oining of- ! <br />the pipe and tit-ti,.gs at th$- preEidr~e-d qrade and, alignment' I, <br />without UM$cessary hindrance. ..EverY reasoJ1able precaution ,_:' ' <br />shall be taken to prevent foreiqn- ma1;er-!als 'from entering 'the " " <br />pipe while it is beingcplaced :iO ~e ~1'1ne.- The waterma-~n ,,_- _,- <br />materials shall ope c~refully lowe,:red ~lnto' laying pos! 1:ion by the <br />use of sui tabler~stra'ihinC1devlces. i~ Under ,no - circUmstances -. , <br />shall- the pipe be 4t'opped or clumped. ~to'-the t~encb. <br />Be~ore being lowere:d,'1nto'layinq po.s~~.tOg, the CO~CrrOR, shall :\1:', <br />make a thorough visual inspeCj]tion c,f ~$ao~ pipe seo~ion and ' r <br />appurtenant units to. detect. dqage~ foreign -matteJfneeding I -' <br />removal or ,unsoun~ con-ciltion~ :'l?b~t .,~~ -ne~~1" correot.ive action' or _,,' <br />b, -o~use t~r rejec:tion. ,In.peot-ion--p}:ooeciUl."..',shall 'Rece. : ' f ' <br />.- approved', by- the "E}{GINED, with 'spec".-, 7JU~thOd,!,' :being tequl~fad :a~ '_1"- - -, <br />he deem. -necessary to, Ol'4eok,- out:- ~usp*teq.,:-def.ects 'tI1Qre' 'clef1'n~ tel~.\ :---,- <br />'The CONTRACTOR - "t1~11 ~nform the, ~G:J;NJER _qf -any:";s(.\ie- -"!'" <br />,cove,rec1 "nd. .the ENGINJ!:ER will ~preso);~~e ~,' e ..t11e,re_qq~red,;~o~r".Q,tive' "'I:' , <br />, actiona, or order rejeotion and,-pr,o:mpti re1lJ~val_from 1:hec~slt$.', :, <br /> <br />- ",-_ I . , <br /> <br />, Imme4iately'betore placement, ~e ,joipt_.~r~~c~s Q~'eaOh~pipe'l <br />,section and- fittln9"sha-~-1 b.1n~p,cte"_,'for'..~'pr..'etict! Q~- " - >- <br />fore1gn 'JIU\tter_, "oating' b3.iste;s-, -'rou:'h.Q9.s"O~_,prQ~eot*ons,__ . ': <br />, and any imperfeot'ions Be) - detected-.~e.ll. ~be - cQrreot.ed ,: J:>y'-c3:eaning, 'f ' <br />, trimming', _ or repair as needed.' ' ,~ . _ , " '-, ' , .' , -, , - <br />At.' the 'time of'piPe.'piacemen~" 'the bei(U.;~~J. ~onditions shall be . ,-1- <br />suoh a...~~ 'provide euniforDtand continyous '''support: ,for the, pipe" - " I, - . <br />- between' bell holes. 8ell boles shall t~e excavated as neoessary'l- <br />-, \, <br /> <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />- - <br />-. - <br />Any material furnished by the OWNER ~hat ,beco)ne,s dcs:xnagec1 a-fter <br />acceptanoe by the CONTRACTOR, shall, ~pe- rep;laoed by the -- <br />CONTRACTOR at h,is own expense. ~ . <br /> <br />_The ,CONTRACTOR .ball berespoJ)sible ~or. the. safe s,torage pf <br />material _furnished-by or to him, and:iaocepted by him, -and <br />intended for the work un1:il it 'has ~en irio6rpor~:tedin 'the <br />completed projeot. <br /> <br />, - <br /> <br />303.200 ~~moyal~ ,-~renQb E~C~VJ1:tion p,1'\Si, ~~~k:~f~;J.~n-d~Jl@~t.Q~~ttS'n <br /> <br />Removal of existing facilities,:' trenp.h 'exc~vation and In\~kfill <br />and restoratiQn shltl1 be in'aooordan4,:e -with the prQvililions of <br />Section 100" 200" 600 of thesespeo~fioation~. ' <br /> <br />303.300 ~a~Q~ai~ ~~ge_~~~Da o~e~ati9ns <br /> <br />-~ <br />