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<br />. -:~ltl' <br />:~\ A <br />300-10, <br /> <br /> <br />:'* <br />.~. . <br />- <br />,-, <br />. <br />:1 <br /> <br /> <br />wat$rmains shall be laid at 18_a.t 10 frfee_t ,horizontally from any 1,_,'" ' <br />sanitary-sewer" s1;.Ornt_ .sewer br".ewer~manhole, whenever pO'ssible. <br />When local conditions prev~nt ahori~ontal separation pf 10 <br />fe_et', awatermain .ay be laid Qloser~to a' .-torm or sanitary <br />sewerproiridedtbat: ~ _ .1' <br /> <br />(1)- ,-The bottom of the watermairi is it, least 18 inobesabove the. <br />".,topof the sew.;r;, ..' ' ,- -, I <br /> <br />(2) Where this vertical separation ~annot be obtained,the . ' 'l' <br />, ~'{~'sewer. shall ,b," e constructio~: 0,' f. ,tiateria,ls, "and- w~~_ j.Qints, "I <br />" 'that_ are equivalent ,towatermail1 st:~naards 'of',c,on~truction ) . <br />. and .shall be, pre$sure tested 'to t!ass\1i:'e wa.teJ:'-- tightness ( <br />prior to ~aokfilling. . ~ ~~ " , . <br /> <br />Nova:J,ve or other control onthe-exiiting'I!ysteIlLS!faUbe. . . I,. <br />operated:-for .ny,the' CONT1IAC'1'O~ \f.ithout:,apPt"ov~l by " <br />. the -ENGJ;NEER, ant\all consume,:s_ :~:ffe~~e(l'Cpy:, SU.Ch---operat.,,_i9n'l~ 't.,: <br />be- no.tif~.d _ by, the .OWNERat' ~,8cast -,ontl_ ~o\1;r))efore-: tb."op.rat.ion- ',' ,-' <br />and' be, advised_ oftbe ,roboble~ti.e'\then-'- ,enioe shall:' be' . I <br /> <br /> <br />. ::t:~CTORl!h8il give the watep.iepli~ent oned~ynot:ioe .. l' · <br />wlienit. ~s neoessary .'to, 'take a wa'berJ(ain-: o~t.-'ot'service. _.: ' <br />'Disruption of- service shall be,.durinq th~.,_time of day. when the_ <br />,:' .":,. . least inoonvenienoe will be caused :tq the;oust.omer. '. <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />~:,,~: ,~;~\"y~,,-, (1) Sewers passin; ove;r or. ~4.r~waierma1n$ sball be 'con- <br />r'<""'\'~"'~" '",.:'$structed of'materlals e~al,',to ,atermain standards' of <br />constrUC"tion 4 " <br /> <br />.,,'oj.' <br /> <br />"' <br /> <br />J' ! ',1- .~." ~ <br /> <br />~~', ... .\!' -:~ <I <br /> <br />- -"r <br />I <br />'~ ,-.', ':;, , <br />~~ '.> >::/ -,--'~ ,- <br /> <br />~i:~;~:~~;! ~~~i:~,:i;...',- , , : <br />~!t h,.+l:~, )'-w, ' , <br />,~ ~ _ -. 'I f'"';'1 ' ,,~.~. - <br /> <br />(2),.>:iwaterma'in p~ssingune1er se.wer$ ,.hall-, ,in a(lcUtiQn, be <br />proteoted by providing: " _ ~. , ... <br /> <br />(a) a,vert.ioal, separation of 'a~ least 18 in9hes between <br />the.- ))ottom of the- sewer, ant the: top otthe- watermain. . <br />Where less _ than 18", of'_, sap.ration OCCur$, ,1:118 <br />JQain .shall be insula~.C! as~clesoribed' in '-Section. 303. 900 <br />of this specification;- , <br /> <br />(b) <br /> <br />~dequ'ate' struotural _supppJ:i:.', for the ,..wers ',to prevent. <br />excesllive deflection of jo~nts andset.tlinq on and _ <br />breaking the watermainsl i '- <br /> <br />(C) <br /> <br />that. the l'ength of w8t,er_-,ptpe i)e cent.ered. at the Pd;lnt. <br />of crossing 'so that~e, jd!nts will be $quiaistant'and <br />as far as possible,ftom th, se~er. <br /> <br />,,:,- <br />. I ' <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />Where' pipe cann~t""be placed 'by:'open"~rencb- eX'Qava't1on,.: the', .:_ <br />Dethc4 fQr plaoinq andpaym.nt, t~ere(ore shall ,be stated in the. <br />"Speclalconditions", seotion 100. ~: .' -' . -'" <br /> <br />'J.. <br />'il: <br />'~I' <br /> <br />.' <br />-, <br /> <br />,- <br />'-'- <br />- ~ - <br />-{ <br />i <br />