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<br />3.0.0-16 <br /> <br />.~. <br />e <br />.~. <br />~. <br /> <br />! <br /> <br />~. <br />-- <br />. <br />! ' <br />I ' <br /> <br /> <br />- <br />I~ <br />~ <br />- <br />I- <br />I <br /> <br />,I, <br />1- -- <br />( ',- <br />\ '. . <br />{I- <br />~. <br />[1,_- <br />. <br />I, -~ <br /> <br />, <br />'; <br /> <br />The co~pleted watermain'system shall;be tested for electrical <br />conduc~ivit.y according t.o that. stat.ed in 'testil)9 in t.bese <br />specificati,ons.. . , <br /> <br />303.900 Xnsu~a~ion <br /> <br />,- <br />The insulation shall ~e placed ~etween the storm sewer or storm <br />sewer structure and 'the watermain or service pipe. The insula- <br />tion shall be placed in two layers, ,aoh layer two inohes (2") <br />thiQk, wi th the :) oint. in t~e upper layer, offset 1/2 board width <br />from the lower layer. The insulatio~ shall be held in'place to <br />prevent movement durinqbackfill by 1/4 inch dtameter by six- <br />inch (6") 10n; wood dowels driven through each corner of the <br />insulation boards into the soil below. The insula~ion shall <br />extend a minimum of four feet (4') from the oenterline of the <br />watermain or service, and a minimum of aix:feet (6') beyond the <br />edqe of the storm sewer or structure~alonq the centerline of the <br />watermain or service. The actual depth, thickness, width and <br />lenqth to be insulated Shall be dete~ined-~n the field by ~he <br />ENGINEER or his representative or as\noted in the plans. <br /> <br />3.04 . 000 M}:THODS 0' ~i:$7'ING AJiP DISINF~CTION :' <br /> <br />The CONTRACTOR shall perform all _testing and disinfectinq in <br />'the ENGINEER' a presence. '- <br /> <br />304,.100 J..eakll'q~ T~$t '{9r w~t.rmains <br /> <br />. \, ~ i <br /> <br />A leakage t.est: shall ))e perfo~ed on--each valved seot.ion of <br />waterma'in 'to dete'rmine the qUantity qf- water that. Jnust be <br />supplied into each section to mainta~n a, test pressure of 150 , <br />pbunds'per square inch, after 'the te.t se~tion has 'b~en slowly <br />filled v1th water and all the air has beeneXpelled:~rom the <br />line. The speoified pressure,'shall be applied- and ,sufflclent <br />water shall be measured andSul'plied-~inti:) the, pipe_ seotion -to- <br />maintain the pressure for a te.~ dur.tion of,twohou~s (2 hra.). <br /> <br />L- 1m2 <br />. 3,700 <br /> <br />" <br /> <br /><; <br /> <br />< <br />" <br /> <br />L permissible leakage-in 9~11ons per hour. <br />, . N- Number of joints in length, of pipe tested. , <br />_D - Nominal diameter of pipe in,inoh~s. - <br />P . Averaqe test pressure durinq'the;['tes1:,' in pounds per <br />square inch, qauge'pressure. .- <br /> <br />If the pipe section'un~er test conta~s pipe of various <br />dia1leters, the, ,allowable leaka~ewilJ( be the ,um- of the- <br />computed leakage for .each size- of :)oJ;'nt.' ., ''>' <br /> <br />.' , <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />~1 <br /> <br />"t ", <br />~'- ,,' ". ': <br />I~~ IttI:~\(~ '. " i . <br />