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<br />~ <br />I <br />111 <br />I] <br />Ii <br />I~ <br />I~ <br />-I~ <br />I~ <br />I~ <br />I~, <br />I~ <br />i~ <br />IJ <br />IJ <br />11 <br />IJ <br />IJ, <br />IJ <br />II <br /> <br />400-3 <br /> <br />- ' <br />without unnecessary hindrance. Every reasonable precaution <br />sball be taken to prevent foreign materials fro~ entering the <br />pipe'while it is being placed in the line. Pipe and manhole <br />materta1s shall be carefully lowered into laying position by the <br />use, of suitable're8~raininq devioes. Under no circumstances <br />shall-the pipe be dropped or dumped into 1:I1e trench. <br /> <br />Before being lowered into laying position, the CONTRACTOR shall <br />make a'thorough visual inspection of eacb pipe section and <br />appurtenant units to detect damage, foreign matter needing <br />removal, or unsound-conditions that may need ,corrective action <br />or-be cause for-rejection. Inspection' procedure shall be as <br />. approved by' the ENGINEER , with special methods being required as <br />he deems necessary to check out suspected defects more <br />definit~ly. The CONTRACTOR shall inform the ENGINEER qf any <br />defects discoverecf,and tne ENGINEER wi1lprescribe the required <br />corrective actions 'or order rejection and prompt'removal from, <br />~ri~. ' <br /> <br />Immediately before placement, the joint surfaces of each pipe <br />section and fitting shall be inspected for the presence of <br />foreign matter, coating blisters, rough edges or projections, <br />and any imperfections so detected ,shall be corrected by <br />cleaning, trimming, or repair as needed. <br /> <br />All pipe shall be laid using grade boards or laser, furnished <br />and set by the CONTRACrOR according to the 9rade'stak~s <br />establ~shed by the ENGINEER or ,his representative.' No pipe <br />shall be leid unless there is a miniaum of four grade boards set <br />to check the proper grade and a11qnment ahead. The CONTRACTOR' <br />shall provide and use a suitable grade rod to ,insure the proper <br />grade_ of the pipe. Grade Boards shall 1:Ie no more than 25 feet <br />apart. The CONTRACTOR ,may use laser equiPJnent in l'ie~ of grade <br />boards and strings to set pipe grade and alignment. ,However, <br />'the_ CONTRACTOR shall check the grades at a frequency not to <br />exceed 100 feet. The CONTRACT~R shall provide competent workmen <br />to operate the laser equipment. <br /> <br />At the time of pipe placement, the bedding conditions shall be <br />,such as ~o provide uniform and con~inuous support for the pipe <br />between bell holes. $e11 holes shall be excavated as ~ecessary <br />to aake the joint connectiQ:ns, but they shall be no larger than <br />,would be adequate. No pipe material shall be laid in water nor <br />when the trench or bedainq conditions are otherwise unsuitable <br />or iJDproper. Unless otherwiae permitted by the --ENGINEER, bell <br />and spigot pipe sha11 be laid with the bell ends faoing'upgrade <br />and tbe laying shall start at ~he downgrade en!3 and proceed <br />upgrade. ' <br /> <br />When plaoement or handl~ng precautions ,prove inadequate, in the <br />ENGlNE~'s opinion, the CONTRACTOR shall provide and, install . <br />'sui~able plugs or caps effectively .'clos~;pg__ bile open ends Qf each <br />pipe section before it is lowered into ,laying position, and they <br />