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<br />'" ., <br />-, , <br />- -, ~ <br /> <br /> <br />-:~:I!', <br />,:'~I1' - <br />, , <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />':-::11 <br /><1"\, <br />'~-'11' ' <br />. ' <br />, . <br /> <br />;'::1- ,1' ",- <br />, -, <br /> <br />'- , <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />:~cl:l. <br /><:'J <br /> <br /> <br />"-, <br /> <br /> <br />'-,Ij <br />,1:1- <br />':~:Il <br />::"IJ <br />:,_,IJ. <br />::-1] <br />.,., 'I" <br />': J <br /> <br /> <br />" . <br /> <br />: --IT <br />-'-';IJ <br /> <br />'.. <br /> <br /> <br />~,::IJ-, <br /> <br />, )! <br /> <br />!?OO-l <br /> <br />S1!:~to~':.-~QO - STQRM, $~~ <br /> <br />500,,-0_ 'S~'_ ~~R, <br />-5019>0 'De'Q,tttt~iQn <br /> <br />- - <br /> <br />, Th1s:WQrk' sball.con'~ist of, 1me cpnstruction, ofpipe.,lJewers, - <br />'utilizin9: pliLnt'_ fi!b~ic~tedpipe a~d oth$rappurt~nant_materia-ls, <br />'~nsto.llef3. for, conveyanQe'of .torm:water.Thework_includes <br />, 'conEJ~ctipn'of ,'marmo~e ,and' oatQh basin' .tructures, and other <br />',r.latec!~_~tems,:'u~, sI>.cifi$d. : . ' <br /> <br />, - -- <br />" 'All.):eterences-to MnDO~'sp,eqi~ications ,$halll'e.n-the latest <br />- ,:pUbl~JS1\ed- e4i't1ori-.of ~.'Kirinesot.- Departm~nt-of: Tran_spc;>rtation, <br />.St~(la:t"4 sp.oif~cat~9ns 'fQr' Jilghway Constr't.1Q~ion-; asm~d1fied by <br />anY,-Supple:JIe~t~l:'Spepifio~t~on: ed.ition pUblisb&d, pX'$or' to ,the ' <br />date.of-advertisuent.'forbids. All referenc.s to_other <br />,:speQif:lo~tlon. of'AASB'l'9, AS'rM,' ANSI, AwWA; etc. shall mean the <br />latest. ' pu);)lished . -edition aVa.:l.lable 01)' ,the:date ,of 'advertisetnent <br />, fot"bicb1. ' ' ' " <br /> <br />502. 0 1fa:~rit,~s- , <br /> <br />- . , <br />. .All-';aateril\ls, re:quir~d. -for this, w~r~'~ ,shal;Lbe 'new mat.ria-l _ <br />Qonforming 'to ',r_"quir.entsof the .refereno~d speoifioat.ions for <br />. the-qlass, kind, typ,e, size,: 9.rade, and other details indicated <br />in - t1J,e _ Contrac;;t. .' Unles$ Qthexwls_e: ,indicated, all :t'equ-ired' <br />-materials . ~hall b~ fuinishe<l by the contr~ct.o;. _ 'I-f, ariy,opt.~ons' <br />ar.e,:provic1eCl"for,- as ,'to _t.yp.,: grade, or desiqn ot -the materIal , <br />tht\ohoicfil -sbal;L'be 1i~i1:e,d as ~ay ,be stipulated ,irithe <br />or, cond.1tion~., . : -- ,'. -- -- . <br />. All: .anQf&oture4,proclucts sha1:1 Q"onfoX'Jli in- d.t;.l~:_,to,suCh- <br />st6ndaX!d' design- -drawings ,as, may be ':t:efetenQe,d' or'fu_rnisheci in <br />the' Plans. ' Oth,rwise, .the'Department. mat requir~ advance <br />aPP,roval of mat~rial suppliers, product design, ,or-other <br />unspecif,ied _ det.ailsas it deems desirable- for maintaininq <br />adop~e4 standards. - <br />'50~.1, EiDB." <br />. -. Al~ pipe fUrn$.Sb.edfO#' ."in sewG:t:':-and,serv'i(1e lin~ inst;a],la,t,tons <br />..ball be _Qf,th.type,kin'd" siz~,and Qla,s --111d4.Qate_cIfor'ea~h <br />- partioular ,line .e;mantas -sh_()'Wn' in the--Plans,-' ~J}a deslqnated -in <br />. ,theCor1traot, It_. ',- Wbe~ever'conneQtion, _ot',!m-ilar ma~erials <br />or;Cies~gn.n is,- riqu'1r~,: t:_b.methoQ 'of jo!ninq ana,;ny-cspec_ial <br />,titt1i1g~' ..ploye<<- sball-be 's~jeot ,to :app'rov~l-by:_the ING~NBI.R. <br /> <br />. . - <br />~ - .- - -- <br /> <br />Reinforced cpnQretepipewl:i;1-be'1,1sEad \1I\ <br />"ball; meet. the; requirements, pt :'~.~S.T.K. SpeC;ificat-ion-s C"'76. <br />The Class'-of -pi'p$ shall :be as' shown, on.-tbe,plans,-. . <br />