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<br />:..1")' <br />':"I'~j <br />'~~ 11:,h <br />-~-,-I~I' <br /> <br />-. '502 . 8 ' G~~~~l~; ..te1;i{t.~ <br />';:-I:~ ' <br />--I~l <br /> <br />,1'1' 503 .1,-1n~'t>'Qtion ,~n~: ~~~n;~o~~~q~~~ty, Q~ ~~te;ial'. , ' <br />The i~spect'lon,anclresponsibil1ty of materials will be as <br />'~::II -, speclfiea In:. st,andard Specifioations section 303.1.' <br />503.2 Exc~ya1;i~~ .p;-~-pa~4tt9n of T;enc!,\ "t14 Restorat.i9n <br />'<'~J <br />:. ,I"].: 503~3 <br />'-11" <br /> <br />I'r" <br />I .,' _ ~_' <br />:~ 1':1- ',~" " " .,,-;,.t:';';iirehoh excavation and becl4i~9' pr~parat1ons &!$h411' proce.d-abeaa <br />': ':; '.~, ,',' j o;-'~f, piP-ia placement as -will permit_ ~t'oper pl_oemen't a1')d jQininq <br />_', __ ,1,_'.1 ,'" "of" the pipe and fi-ttlngs at the prescrib~d qra,de an'd -alignment. <br />~ w~thoutunnecessary ~indrance.Every ~easonable,precaution - <br />, ahall ~e taken ,to prevent foreiqn-materia+s' from entering the <br />, ' pipe. while ,"it :is b,.J.ngplaqed - in the line. ~he pipe, manhole <br />, I J -, """',8n4' catdhbasip _materials she..ll be' oarefully '1owered - into <br />:,__:,' , - , '~.." :' 'la.ying,-poa1t1ctnby'the use ofcsuit-aJ:>le -r~strain~ni1; devices. <br />..' ", ,', :-, una.r>no- oir~stances shall- the pipe be droppec1 or diunped <br />, ,1_]- - 0:; .~": ~~ : ':" -':' tnto' the' b:ench. - - ' <br />'...."~)i-B8to;-e be!iaq'lower,d ,into ,l$ying posit-ion~'_ th~ 'Contractot"- shall <br />"" ,', ',,: ""~:ma_' -k.' ,a , tborourfh, visual ,1ns_ Peo_ t1on-_of-e~ch-_pip'_e ,sec_-t_,j.on" an~ ' <br />-~_' :1- Ll' '_app~r:ten~t.--un;l.ts to 'd.ete~t, fot~.tqn lnatter: needin9 - <br />!..J ' " ',' r$U(oval-, or unGoUnQ conditions that. may need 'correQt.ive 8c;tion <br />,- '-' \;~ ::"Qr"J)e Qaus.,,;tor: re~ec:t-ion. ' Xnsp~c_tion pt"oced'Qre.$b.all-be as <br />- _ _I:] -' - - - :--,',':-.. ",~pp~oved -by: ~e: JiNGI~n" with -speoii11 mtathod$;'being required. <br />, ' :, ,.', as l1e', de_ n",Qessary to oheck out suspeotf1id-- defec;ts more <br />" ~ ~ :;, ',' ':;;\i~~,~et,~n1telY. 11'he contractor fJhlil;L .intoX'2n the: :!NGINEER of any <br />,-. " _ ,\. \~. ;:(~i.:,:,::"defec~1J di~ov,erecl, and the BN~INEER will _pre.cribe -the requi'red <br />J '''', "":!""';,QorreotiY8 actions or order ~ejection and promp1: removal from <br />-' " the site. .. <br />1.1 <br /> <br />500-3 <br /> <br />:'-'!$O,2:~;7 ~?.-.;.'~" ~Dsq~ a ~i9J1 <br /> <br />,-,:' ~,~ns1.i~_.tion shall_,-be- equal to Dow' Chemioal, <br />. b.rand 'plalJt:lc .~_Oi\m" Or approved. equal. <br /> <br />CompanySTRYFOAM HI- <br /> <br />- "ranular, Jiai:erials ,~hall be -furnished- for found.a'tion 'bac::~fill, <br />bedd1ngor ot.herpu,rposes _in accordanoe with ,aoseville stanaard <br />. speciticatio~ .602.1 ~ ' " <br /> <br />503.0, <br /> <br />~P'$'1:R~CT~9tl, REqU+l~JJQ~TS <br /> <br />. BXQ8vat1oD,. prep~ri1tlon of trench and restoration is . described <br />in,Seot.ion 100, '200 and 600. of-the Standard SP.c;ltications. <br /> <br />~ip,. If'ubg~. Ins! Cttq\).'. BE\~ip Pl~c'1Pent 'J>roO~9ux:e <br /> <br />, The' prl11\a:w:y line anc;iqrade will be' perf~rmecl as sPflc_ifieain <br />. speQi"l c;:ontlitiQns :s~ction 100. No deviation, from the required- <br />. line or ;rode wil1-:beallowed exoept with t.he consent of the <br />PG:tNE~. . <br /> <br />. '. - <br /> <br />- \., <br />..- <br /> <br />, , <br />,. "'- \ ' <br />.- ,.',' <br /> <br />~ { >.- \' <br />