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<br />METHOD OF DETERMINING CHANGE. IF ANY, IN CONTRACT PRICE; Mark the method to be used <br />in delennining the final cost of Work involved and the estimated net effecl on the Contract Price. If the change <br />involves an incre1l5e in the Contract Price and the estimated amount is approached before the additional or <br />changed Work is compleled, another Work Change Directive must be issued to change the estimated price or <br />Contractor may stop the changed Work when the estimated price is reached. If the Work Change Directive <br />is nOt likely co change the Contract Price, rhe space for estimated increase (decrease) should be marked "Not <br />Applicable." <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />,I <br />j <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />WORK CHANGE DIRECTIVE <br /> <br />rNSTRVcrIONS <br /> <br />A. GE.,'ERAL INFORJvlAT!O.' <br /> <br />ThIS document was deveJooed for use in sItuations involving changes in the Work which. if nor processed <br />expcditlousiy, might delay the Projec:.. These changes are often initiated in the field and may affect the Cormac:. <br />Price or the Contract Times. ThIS is not a Change Order. bue only a directJve to proceed wIth Work that may b~ <br />induded m a subsf:~uem Change Order. <br /> <br />For suppiememaJ instructions and m1nor changes not involving a possible change in the Comrac: Pnc~ or :J1e <br />COnll'..ct Times a Fie!d Order may be used. <br /> <br />B. CO!\1PLETrNG THE WORK CHA.,NGE DIRECTIVE FORlY! <br /> <br />Enginc~r mit1'ates the ronn. mdud1ng a descripuon of the items involved and attachments. <br /> <br />Based on conversat10ns between Engineer and Contractor, Engmeer completes the following; <br /> <br />METHOD OF DETERMINING CHANGE, IF ANY. IN CONTRAcrTIMES: Mark the method to be used <br />in detennining the change in Contract Times and the estimated increase or decrease in Contract Times. If tne <br />change involves an increase in the Contract Times and the estimated times are approached before the <br />additional or changed Work is completed. another Work Change Directive must be issued to change the times <br />or Contractor may stop the changed Work when the estimated times are reached. If the Work Change <br />DIreCtive IS not likely to change the Contract Times. the space for estimated increase (decrease) shoutd be <br />rnan:c:d "Not Applicable." <br /> <br />Once Engmeer has compJeted and signed the fonn, all copies shouJd be sent to Owner for authorizatIon because <br />Engme~r ajone does not have authonty to 2,uthorize changes in Price or Times. Once authorized by Owner. a coey <br />shouJd be sent by Engineer to Comractor. Pnce and Times may only be changed by Change Order signed by <br />Owner and Contractor wirh Engineer's recommendation. <br /> <br />Once we Work covered by this directive is completed or final cost and times are detennined. Contractor shouid <br />submit documentation fOf incjusion in a Change Order. <br /> <br />THIS IS A DIRECTIVE TO PROCEED WITH A CHANGE THAT MAY AfFECT THE PRICE <br />OR THE CONTRACT TIMES. A CHANGE ORDER. IF ANY. SHOULD BE CONSIDERED PROMPTi.Y. <br />