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2010-04-06_PR Comm Packet
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Parks & Recreation Commission
2010-04-06_PR Comm Packet
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ROSEVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION <br />MINUTES OF MEETING OF MARCH 2, 2010 <br />ROSEVILLE CITY HALL ~ 6:30PM <br />PRESENT: <br /> Etten, D. Holt, M. Holt, Lenz, Pederson, Ristow, Stark, Willmus <br />ABSENT: <br /> Hiber, Jacobson <br />STAFF: <br /> Brokke, Anfang, Evenson <br />INTRODUCTIONS/ROLL CALL/PUBLIC COMMENT <br />1. <br />No Public Comment <br />COMMISSIONER RECOGNITION <br />2. <br />Commission Chair Willmus recognized departing Commissioner Sara Brodt Lenz for her years of service <br />and contributions to the Roseville Parks and Recreation Commission. <br />APPROVAL OF MINUTES – FEBRUARY 9, 2010 MEETING <br />3. <br />Commission Recommendation:. <br /> Minutes for the February 9, 2010 meeting were approved unanimously <br />PARK AND RECREATION MASTER PLAN LISTENING SESSION <br />4. <br />Michael Schroeder from LHB and Jeff Evenson, Parks Superintendent were present for this Commission <br />Listening Session. Schroeder spoke of the 10 Master Plan Listening Sessions that have been conducted over <br />the past 8 weeks. The Listening Sessions have encouraged community engagement and were designed to <br />provide an opportunity for community members the opportunity to share their thoughts on Roseville Parks, <br />Recreation Facilities and Recreation Programs. Planning staff have met with members of the City Council, <br />four neighborhood sectors, the business community, the arts, friends and athletics special interest groups. <br />Following the brief introduction, Michael encouraged Commissioners to share their thoughts on the Parks <br />and Recreation System. <br />Willmus commented on gaps in the physical location of some parks and specifically in regards to the <br />geographic disparity in parks in the Southwest sector of the City. <br />Lenz talked of the current disconnect in the pathway system in relation to the parks. <br />Pederson recognized the good variety in neighborhood parks throughout the City and the significant <br />need for increased PIP funding to maintain and/or improve the park resources we currently have in <br />the system. <br />Etten spoke to the fact that neighborhood parks tend to be more neglected than the larger and more <br />visible community parks due to limited resources. Capital funding needs to be provided in order to <br />keep up structures to a high level. <br />Dave Holt commented on the inconsistency in accessibility to park amenities. <br />Lenz suggested that maybe some parks should be made into more open space if we cannot afford to <br />maintain play equipment. <br />Dave Holt recognized the need for places for teenagers to gather and play. <br />Commissioners spoke to the fact that our community parks are the shining stars in the City, they are <br />destination parks for community members and guests. We are fortunate the local foundations and <br />Friends organizations have embraced Central Park and it would be nice if there were these same <br />connections to our neighborhood parks. <br />Lenz suggested encouraging volunteers to participate in the Adopt-A-Park program and <br />recommended designing a system for single jobs, not necessarily long term commitments. <br />Mary Holt recommended using signage to promote volunteer opportunities. <br />Michael Schroeder asked Commissioners to talk about the areas they see as challenges for the department. <br />Commissioners commented on the extensive list of environmental stewardship issues in the parks; <br />Forestry and the diseased and hazardous tree program <br />o <br />No resources identified to address this issue <br /> <br />
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