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inventory purposes only. <br />GRADE SEPARATED — A Grade separated pathway is one that passes over or under a road or highway. This can <br />be achieved either by providing a pathway tunnel, a pathway bridge, or providing pathway accommodations <br />alongside a road that passes under or over a road or highway. <br />LIGHT TRAFFIC - Pedestrians, bicyclists, inline skaters and other types of non -motorized traffic. <br />PEDESTRIAN — A Pedestrian is any person afoot or in a wheelchair (both motorized and non -motorized). It can <br />also mean a young child on a tricycle or small bike. <br />RECREATIONAL BICYCLIST — A person who engages in cycling for entertainment or fitness purposes. <br />RECREATIONAL CORRIDORS — High use corridors intended to link recreational facilities in Roseville and the <br />adjacent communities. There are Lexington Avenue, Dale Street, Victoria Street, County Road C, B and B2. <br />RIGHT OF WAY - a general term denoting land, property, or interest therein, usually in a strip, acquired for or <br />devoted to transportation purposes. "Right-of-way" means the privilege or immediate use of the highway. (MN <br />169.01 Subd. 45) <br />ROADWAY — Roadway means that a portion of a highway improved, designed, or ordinarily used for vehicular <br />travel, exclusive of the sidewalk or shoulder. In the event a highway includes two or more separate roadways, the <br />term roadway as used herein shall refer to any such roadway separately, but not to all such roadways collectively. <br />(MN 169.01 Subd. 31) <br />RURAL ROAD — A road that does not have curb and gutter, usually has a shoulder, with storm sewer provided by <br />ditches and culverts. <br />SHARED LANE - Low traffic roads that have no additional space provided for light traffic but that can be shared <br />between automobiles and light traffic because of low traffic volumes. Shared lanes are not designated as pathways <br />although they do provide good access routes to other pathways. <br />STRIPED SHOULDER — Shoulder means that part of a highway which is contiguous to the regularly traveled <br />portion of the highway and is on the same level as the highway. These are at least 4 feet wide. (MN 169.01 Subd. <br />33) <br />SIDEWALK — Sidewalk, usually within the road right of way, generally 4-6 feet wide and running parallel to the <br />road, intended for use by pedestrians. (MN 169.01 Subd. 33) <br />STREET OR HIGHWAY — Street or highway means the entire width between boundary lines of any way or place <br />when any part thereof is open to the use of the public, as a matter of right, for the purpose of vehicular travel. (MN <br />169.01 Subd. 29) <br />TRAFFIC CALMING - Physical and other measures used on a street or highway to reduce the dominance and speed <br />of motor vehicles. <br />