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May 27, 2008 <br />To: Margaret -- <br />(Please givc a copy to City Council, City Manager and Lonnie Brooke) <br />Hi, <br />I am a Roseville resident that would like to make a suggestion and give some alternative options. <br />I have noticed we/Roseville residents, are lacking a suitable off leash Dog Park, The current clog park, <br />located on Dale and Larpenture is too small. This park has the smallest attendance when you compare them <br />to the surrounding communities off Ieash dog parks. Otter Lake, Battle Creek, to name a few. <br />I would like to propose; not to build an off leash dog park, but to look at what we have available here in <br />Roseville as far as local parks, trails we could utilize differently. <br />Some Examples/Options listed below: <br />I . Acorn Park, located on Cry Rd C and Western. We could have hours dedicated to off leash. Summer <br />hours -Monday — Sunday — 6am to 9am off leash. There is a nice walking path along with several <br />Frisbee golf trails. Winter hours could be from sunrise to sunset — not much happening at this park <br />during the winter. <br />2. There is also an area off of Victoria that butts up to the Roselawn cemetery. Some residents refer to this <br />area as the Res. There are several dirt trails that could be off leash trails. <br />Thank you for your consideration in this community involvement effort. Off leash dog parks are a <br />great way for the community to get out and associated with its neighbors. This would be a great <br />extension of the neighborhood "night out" event we have once a year_ <br />Christine Tulgren <br />2654 Virginia Ave. <br />Roseville, Mn 55113 <br />651-246-3180 <br />