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Goal: Roseville housing meets community needs <br />Strategy A: Ensure sufficient affordable housing <br />1) Provide funding options and loans to make existing or new housing affordable <br />2) increase residential density to reduce costs <br />3) Link incoming families with sellers moving to smaller units <br />Strategy B: Implement programs to ensure safe and well-maintained properties <br />1) Vigorously enforce housing codes <br />2) Development more stringent codes for rental properties of four or fewer units <br />3) Implement housing inspections <br />4) Provide loans and other assistance to help people maintain property <br />Strategy C: Ensure life -cycle housing throughout that city to attract and retain a diverse mix of <br />people, family types, economic status, age, and so on <br />Strategy D: Fund housing programs to meet diverse and long-term needs <br />Strategy E: Employ flexible zoning for property redevelopment to meet broader housing goals <br />such as density, open space, and lot size <br />Strategy F: Develop design guidelines to support new or renovated housing that contributes to <br />:teighborhood character <br />Final Draft Goats and Strategies for 12/7106 Open House Page 7 <br />