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2007-02-06_PR Comm Packet
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Parks & Recreation
Parks & Recreation Commission
2007-02-06_PR Comm Packet
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7/18/2014 12:33:47 PM
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7/18/2014 12:31:52 PM
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6. DIRECTORS REPORT <br />o The Imagine Roseville 2025 is on the home stretch with a December 7th - open house scheduled from <br />4:30 - 7:30 p.m. in the Willow Room at City Hall, everyone invited. All community members are <br />invited and encouraged to attend. <br />o The residential Park Dedication fee increase that was proposed to the City Council was not approved. <br />Further information was requested. The plan is to provide the additional information and return to a <br />future City Council meeting. <br />o The truth and taxation hearing was held on December 4t" . <br />o The web site is highly utilized; November was used as an example with total pages viewed of 55,000, <br />unique visitors of 11,568 and average hits per day of 385. The last six months stats included total pages <br />viewed of 300,000, unique visitors of 58,948 and the average hits per day of 322. <br />o The Twin Lakes proposal is on hold - Rottlund homes has decided not to pursue the project. <br />7. OTHER <br />n Johnson: <br />■ Proposed that a retreat be held in January in lieu of a regular meeting. The proposal was to have <br />a 2-2 %z hour retreat somewhere off site. After discussion on a date, it was decided that <br />commissioners should look at their calendars and Chair Johnson would coordinate and confirm <br />a date that works for everyone. <br />o Kamrath: <br />■ Commented on his appreciation for the x -walk signs at various locations throughout the city. <br />o Pederson: <br />■ Wished all a happy and healthy holiday season and hoped to see everyone at the New Years Eve <br />celebration in ice at the Roseville Skating Center. <br />8. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Lonnie Brokke, Director <br />
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