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z <br />a6 c lute t i r� cps" <br />February 233, 2007 <br />On behal f' of the 2007 Rosefest Parade. Committee, I would Eike to invitc you and your <br />group to participate it) this year's Rose Parade. The theme of the 2007RO,', E PA]". PE <br />is " salute the Troops <br />'Please nate the following chin -es in this year's Parade: 'Dae parade begins at 6:15 l? m., <br />Monday, Jime 25th at the Roseville Area Iligh School (1261 County Rd. B-2) the one <br />naile route proceeds north on Lexington to it's conclusion at the Roseville Skating Center <br />(2{6 1 Civic Center- Drive;). Also, we will not be hosting a Bost parade; reception this year. <br />Please complete the enclosed parade application to assist US will) the staging process aiid <br />television coverage. We must receive your application by April 30th to be considered 1`61- <br />entry <br />:orentry into the parade. Mail Four a: rlication earl; the parade is limited to 80 entries. <br />Please Note: Late applications will be assessed an increased fey:; see rales, anti dales <br />listed on the bottom of the unit application. We will notify you of the status of your <br />application in late May. <br />ll" you have any questions about the parade or your application, please cal l the Roseville <br />Parks and Recreation Department at (6151) 792-7103. <br />We hope to have many new and different units this year, along with the traditional <br />favorites. Please let nate know if l can be of any assistance with your application. <br />We look forward to your participation and hope this year's parade will be the best. ever. <br />Sincerely, <br />Diane Lang <br />Unit Selection Committee Chair <br />ROSEVILLE 'ARKS AND RECREATION <br />2-660 Civic Center Drive + Rogeville, Ivlinuesota 557.13 <br />651 -792 -HOSE + TDD 651-792-7399 + <br />