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2007-03-06_PR Comm Packet
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Parks & Recreation
Parks & Recreation Commission
2007-03-06_PR Comm Packet
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needed, i.e., such as wet gounds, additional maintence at certain times for such tasks as <br />seeding/fertilizing/aeriating in order to allow time for recovery. Much discusion took place on this item and it <br />was suggested that when the fields are fenced, they should be open the majority of the time for people to use <br />and that a positive public education process be in place when the fields are taken out of service. <br />Commission Recommendation: Motion by Pederson, second by Kamrath to approve the Park Improvement <br />Plans (PIP) as presented. Motion passed unanimously. <br />7. DIRECTORS REPORT <br />o A Porsche Club Car Show is being planned for Rosefest on Sunday June 24, 2007 in Central Park at the <br />Dale Street Field site. The cars would be on the grass fields, weather permitting. <br />o City Manager Bill Malinen began his duties on January 8 t and has been getting around to the <br />Commissions to introduce himself. He has a conflict tonight meeting with the City Council discussion <br />norms. Bill was at the volunteer appreciation dinner and was introduced to the volunteers and spoke <br />briefly to them. <br />o Staff is moving forward with developing an RFP to conduct a feasibility study on geothermal <br />technology as it relates to the Roseville Skating Center. <br />o Staff is in the process of planning Rosefest 2007, any suggestions from Commissioners and the general <br />public are welcome. <br />o Bids are due March lst, 2007 for the Skating Center project (front entry and restroom addition). It is <br />anticipated that the results will be brought to the City Council on March 12th, 2007. <br />8. OTHER <br />o Willmus: <br />■ Indicated that he will be out of town and will not make the March 6, 2007 meeting <br />■ Thanked Commissioner Jacobson for all the efforts he has given to the Commission and <br />specifically the Roseville Skating Center in a time of extreme need. <br />o Pederson: <br />■ Commented on the large turnout at the volunteer appreciation night on such a cold night. She <br />thanked the Olive Garden and their staff for their generosity to prepare, serve and donate the <br />food for the event. She also thanked the Parks and Recreation staff for coordinating the event <br />and being there to serve. <br />o Brodt-Lenz: <br />■ Encouraged all to attend the Arts at the OVAL event on March 24 & 25 and sign up to be <br />greeters at the door for one hour. She will have a sign up sheet at the March meeting. <br />9. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Lonnie Brokke, Director <br />
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