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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
7/23/2014 2:51:55 PM
Creation date
7/23/2014 2:51:46 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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issues in that area and flow issues for the nursing home and other problem areas <br /> (e.g. Sherren and Dellwood areas) as part of that extended drainage management <br /> mitigation. Mr. Culver noted that there were several open spaces that may allow <br /> for shared ponding between the City and MnDOT; and assured members that staff <br /> would continue working with them on that aspect. <br /> At the request of Chair Stenlund, Mr. Culver advised that based on the noise <br /> analysis performed by MnDOT, as long as no lanes were being added at this time, <br /> no noise walls were required. However, when the third lane occurred, Mr. Culver <br /> advised a noise wall would need to be installed, and based on preliminary noise <br /> wall studies along this corridor indicating areas that qualified under those <br /> standards. <br /> At the request of Member Gjerdingen, Mr. Culver advised that a mill and overlay <br /> of Lexington in that area would be included as part of the project; and while <br /> MnDOT has accommodated the City's request for a 10' clear zone on the east <br /> side of Lexington, it was doubtful they would agree to any additional widening to <br /> accommodate expanded pedestrian and bicycle facilities due to lack of additional <br /> funding, and the need for Ramsey County to fund additional bridge length to <br /> accomplish that additional width. At the request of Member Gjerdingen, Mr. <br /> Culver roughly estimated the cost for six lanes with shoulders at a significant <br /> amount per linear foot, $100 - $150 per square foot of additional bridge. <br /> Mr. Schwartz concurred, and advised that Ramsey County did not foresee, in the <br /> next twenty years, needing additional capacity in this area, which may be a value <br /> judgment on their part, but supporting their cost analysis projections and <br /> planning. <br /> Member Gjerdingen opined that this put the City in a tough spot; and questioned <br /> how the cross section of road under the bridge compare to the north/south areas of <br /> Lexington and Sherren. <br /> Mr. Culver advised that there would be about the same area as far as width on the <br /> left; and if smaller than the rest of the roadway, it seemed prudent to expand the <br /> width unless this is a natural chokepoint. However, Mr. Culver opined that it <br /> would be difficult for the City to consider expansion of Lexington Avenue north <br /> or south of the bridge to add a full additional travel lane, based on available of <br /> rights-of-way. <br /> Additional discussion ensued regarding Member Gjerdingen's concerns about <br /> sufficient space on the shoulder for pedestrian and bicycle traffic; 40 mph speeds <br /> posted on Lexington Avenue; with Member Gjerdingen offering to personally <br /> measure the roadway to alleviate his curiosity and concerns; seeking assistance <br /> from staff to determine the actual right-of-way locations and widths. <br /> Page 12 of 18 <br />
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