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<br />File No. F.B. C8.97.1191 <br />ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE <br /> <br />State of Minnesota, County of Ramsey, <br />District Court, Second Judicial District. <br /> <br /> <br />fn the Matter of the Petition of <br />Barry J. O'Meara for an Order Revl11lng a <br />Legal Description <br />In Relation to Certificate of Title No. 31 I 70 I <br />issued for land In the County of Ramse~ and <br />State of Minnesota Legally described as:' <br />That part of the following descrtbe<( land <br />lying North of the South 330 feet thereof; <br />That part of Lot 15, Audltort's <br />SubdIvision No, 46, Ramsey County, <br />Minnesota, described as follows: <br />Beglnntng at the Southwest corner ,of <br />said Lot 15; thence East on the South <br />boundary Une of said lot a distance ,of <br />80 feet, thence North and on a lire <br />paralic! to the West boundary line ,of <br />said lot a distance of 516.54 feet, thenfe <br />West to the West boundary line of saId <br />lot. thence South along the We~t <br />boundary line of said lot to the place of <br />beginning. ' <br />TO ALL PARTIES WITH AN INTEREST fN <br />THIS REAL ESTATE, PARTfCULA~LY: <br />Irvin J. OrIon and Aita R. Orton, Respondents. <br />IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that unles,\ you <br />appear before this Court an the 2nd d<i\y of <br />Apr!!, 1997, at 2:()O p.m, In Conference ~oom <br />3C of the Ramsey County Govern.pent <br />Center West, 50 W, Kellogg Blvd., St, faul. <br />Minnesota, to make a vaUd abjection, the <br />Court wttl enter the following Order: <br />NOW THEREFORE, IT [S ORDERED"that <br />the Registrar of Titles of Ramsey Cal.lnty, <br />upon the filing of a certified copy of, thts <br />Order, show by memorial on Certificate of <br />Title No. 371701 that the legal description <br />appearing thereon Is revised to reaa as <br />foHows: <br />That part of the following described <br />land lying North of the South 330 feet <br />thereof; <br />That part of Lot 15, Auditor's <br />Subdivision No. 46, Ramsey County, <br />Minnesota, described as follows: <br />Beginning at the Southwest corner of <br />said Lot 15, thence East on the Soutb <br />boundary Une of said lot a distance of <br />80 feet, thence North and on a line <br />parallel to the West bounda, y Une of <br />said lot to the North Une of Ule South <br />516.54 feet of said Lot 15. thence West <br />along said North line of the South <br />516.54 feet to the West bound"ry line of <br />said lot, thence South aiong the West <br />boundary line of said lot to the place of <br />beginning. <br />and In the issuance of any future certificates <br />of title thc revised lega! descrtptlon shall be <br />used in lieu of that presently appearing on <br />said Certificate of Title No. 37170 I. <br />IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this <br />Order be served: [a) at least 7 days prior to <br />such hearing upon all of the above named <br />parties residing In thiS State In the manner <br />provided by law for the service of a <br />Summons in a ClvU action; (b) at least 10 <br />days prior to sueh hearing upon any of the <br />above named parties not restding in thts <br />State by sending a copy of this Order by <br />registered or certified mall, return receipt, to <br />each of such parties at hts/her post office <br />address: (c) upon any of the above named <br />parttes who cannot be found by two weelts <br />published nottce and at least 10 ,Jays prior to <br />the hearing by sending a copy of thts Order <br />by First Class mati to each of such parties at <br />his/her last known address and at hIs/her <br />address as stated on the Certtflcate of Title if <br />hts/her address is so stated. <br />DATED: March 10, 1997 <br />By the Standing Order of the Court <br />dated February 14, 1996, In Court <br />FUe No. C4-90-11340 <br />ROBI1RT BEUTEL <br />Examtner of T!t1es <br />By DENNIS W, McPARTLIN <br />Depuly Examtner <br />PETERSON, BELL, CONVERSE & JENSEN, <br />By: MITCHELL W, CONVERSE, <br />Attorney Reg. No, 246885, <br />Attorneys for Petlttoner, <br />1500 Mtnnesota World Trade Center, <br />30 E. 7th St" <br />St, Paul, MN 55101 <br />(612) 223.4999 <br /> <br />(Mar, 14-21) <br />... ... ... _ !Ci:.T D"'-T11' II' WJ'II.....Ii... . __.........""'... <br /> <br />