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<br />Mr. Mike Falk <br />July 27,1995 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />Bingo participants begin to arrive at the building approximately 1 hour prior to the start of the <br />session, with approximately 50 percent arriving in the last 15 minutes, Departures from the facility <br />would tend to be concentrated in the first 15 minutes after the session ends. <br /> <br />Since there are n6late afternoon or evening sessions scheduled during the weekdays, there is very <br />little traffic generated by the facility during the p.m. peak hour of traffic on the surrounding street <br />system, such as Snelling A venue and Fairview Avenue. At the most, we would expect several <br />employees to arrive during Ul,e p.m. peak hour to begin preparing for the 7:00 p.m. bingo session. <br /> <br />On a daily basis, the Knights of Columbus building is currently generating up to approximately 640 <br />trips per day on Saturdays, with fewer trips during the weekdays and Sunday. <br /> <br />Since bingo is attended on a regular, repeat basis by many of the participants, we would expect <br />some of the traffic to be oriented to and from Fairview Avenue via Oakcrest Avenue. We estimated <br />a total of 20 percent of the traffic would use this route. The remaining 80 percent was estimated to <br />use Snelling Avenue to access the facility. <br /> <br />Figure 1 shows the weekday peak arrival traffic volumes, such as those which would occur between <br />6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Tuesdays through Thursdays. The outbound volumes reflect the amount <br />of traffic which is estimated at the end of the 9:00 p.m, session on Tuesdays through Thursdays. <br />On the weekends, the peak outbound volumes occur later, after the 11:00 p.m. session, and are <br />higher due to greater weekend attendance. · <br /> <br />Western Auto Characteristics <br /> <br />I <br />The proposed Western Autdfacility was measured at approximately 11,700 square feet. The facility <br />will have seven service bays and a parts store. The service bays are primarily for maintenance work <br />such as tire changes, battery replacement, etc., as opposed to heavy duty repair work. <br /> <br />Traffic volumes resulting from the proposed project were estimated based on the Institute of <br />Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 5th Edition, which provides trip generation rates for <br />auto service, parts and repair facilities. Only the a.m. and p.m. peak hour ra~es were provided. The <br />daUy trip generation rate p~r 1,000 square feet of building area was estimated base<;l on the peak <br />hour rates, assuming that the p.m. peak hour makes up approximately 8 percent of the total daily <br />traffic. This results in a daily trip generation rate of approximately 30 trips per 1,000 square feet of <br />building area. The rates used a!e shown in Table 2, along with the resulting traffic volumes. <br /> <br />Over the course of a weekday, the auto facility is expected to generate approximately 350 trips. If <br />the facility is open for 12 hours per day, this results in an average of approximately 15 customers <br />in and 15 customers out per hour, or one customer every 4 minutes. This seems to be a <br />conservatively high estimate of customer and traffic volumes. The ITE data indicated lower <br />volumes overa]] on Saturd~ys and Sundays. <br /> <br />" <br />
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