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<br />fA;><-, -ro ~ f..J-I LI ~L C:;:.! I f-ref-- <br />Jz-4.::-~ f7L-~w-r'~,u l) ~~ ilrtlTl ClJ$.. r-orL r~ ~J.N <br /> <br />..;,Mlke=Falk~ "tIP! lttG' <br />Bob Bierscheid <br />JohnBatkc Gi= <br />Chuck .~ <br />December S~ <br /> <br />FROM : RBRRHRMSON <br /> <br />'IWM : fitf-PHf..Hcz,~~ "c'f <br />N U flJ~ 'P~ e, ~"> <br />'-134 w" LJ L{ 0 <br />~ AX. 4 7:>1. ~ 47..- tt> 1--. <br /> <br />To: <br /> <br />cc: <br /> <br />from: <br /> <br />Date: <br /> <br />Re: <br /> <br />memo <br /> <br />PHONE NO. 612 433 2431 <br /> <br />Sep. 26 1996 0g:1iRM Pi <br /> <br />Rosetown Ridge - Land$ 'Revi~on, <br /> <br />The following i$ a pl~t list and ~ottlm.entg re,garding the <br />. landl>~pe plan for the Ro&etown Ridge development. <br /> <br />Cummeots. <br />1) The oontmctot' s.baU be allowed to eo<<oach a mlQdmum. <br />of 15' on to the property for ctearing and grading <br />purposes. The contractor shall install and maintain an ora:R~ <br />oonstrUcOOo. fence at the IS' setback.. NQ cmmruct10D shi8 <br />begin until the fence has ~ iDstall sm4 appro"led Q)r Park~ <br />and Jt~atioQ $"'~. Tbis fence win be monitored <br />tbroughout the pro,ject by Parks and Recreation staff. <br /> <br />2) Plants shall be innall per revi~af plan at the owners <br />~p~\1~~. The; intent 1& to rc-na1Uralizo ~ ~ ares. tb.Gt has <br />been clear for" construction. NO turf' psse$ will be allow <br />within the park: property. <br /> <br />. 3) Contractor shall maintain ero$ion ~ntrol measures <In <br />. . . ~ . park property until Ii ground cover has been established and <br />rHt:.... ft>LLdAJ N 6..- &HAN~ v l,J;~jt.t5-~" approwd by Park5 and ~reation rWf. <br /> <br />Plant List: <br />5"';'/;.HH"Tc.. tJ~t-L '::7I..H~}-;:sJrr~t? rofZ.4-(3) PO Pi.nOa.k-QucnNBp~~ <br />. (9)/ CS CoImdoSp~.pjceapUl'lgeD$ 6'ht <br />(6)"" $$ Shadblow Serviceberry - Amcl~ (',iJDoi;J"'1.d~ 6' clump <br />~ - b JNI0AJ-.1.... M,&.PGt:..- $ut3.. ;::-o~ (3) WH WitcbHM'.et.Hm!IImc:lisvirp.i!na 4'ht <br />(l~)I<JD Gr4YDo~-wd-Cormtu~l$A. 30..~ <br />(13)1 AV AntIWW<<id Vib~\\In. v~t:>~~ 3()*ht, <br />(120) mIl. DwmBt~hQneysuclde' Diervjlln loniccra I2"'M <br /> <br /> <br />Irom tile 4uk ~f". <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />i k~'1 <br />~ .h1.f1 /1 9 . <br />~ if" -g <br /> <br />ChlKk Stlft(!\' <br />Pub PrDlea CoDnlI.mur <br />l\J1~iII~ P:uk-!; tM IIwwicl1 <br />2BOV Ilona Strut <br />RmilIe,!'IN ssm <br /> <br />(612) 6LR.MB~ <br />fax: (61~) 618-0911 <br /> <br />t4c>~~ .ALG t"U4rlhl6-!. '~lAJ~ ~ u,~~ <br />WI "'H/l,:WPI;..f7 Woob <br /> <br />",n, ...n'" ~.T .",.-,,^ 10 ILr ,"^ <br />