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<br />~M. -ro~ c.J.HJ6tL. <;.-rtf.,-e,r...... <br />~: f' ..-~~srittJT1aJs. ~fl- rt.f4L ~ . <br /> <br />Ta: ~ t;",~ <br />Bob Bierscbeid <br />JohnBuke ~ <br />Chu~ Stit\.et ~ __.._ <br />December 5. <br /> <br />FRCM : RBRAHFi'lSON <br /> <br />" '.. <br /> <br />fU>H ~ fiW~~H~~~ I' ~ <br />NU~PM~"" <br />I./31-'7J 4,0 <br />~A)(. 4~1. - L/>1-- <br /> <br />cc: <br /> <br />From: <br /> <br />Date: <br /> <br />R~ <br /> <br />memo <br /> <br /> <br />0">>..'_.'"""'<1>1"" <br /> <br /> <br />" '....,""',,1\..""..,~ <br /> <br />PHONE NO. : 612 433 2431 <br /> <br />Sep. 26 1996 09:11AM Pi <br /> <br />Rosetown R1dge - Landscape l\.eYision>> <br />-. <br /> <br />The foUowing i$ a plant Jist and eottnnents ~ the <br />. land5CafJe plan for the Rosetown Ridge development. <br /> <br />CommeotJ; <br />\) The ~r &baD. be allowed to ~ac:b a ~1_ <br />of 15' on to the pSJrk property fOr clearin,J and gradiu,e <br />purposes. The contr8d:Or shan instsll anc1 ~ an 0)'8Dge <br />coDStn'lction fence at the IS' sdback. NQ cgnsttucriott ahafl <br />beein until t~ fence bu ~ indand appmwd by p~ <br />and R.N'!rMtiM. ~. TiDs fence will be moDitorcd <br />tbrO\lgbout the project by Parks and Recreation stat! <br /> <br />2) Plams sbaD. be instaU per revUcd pbw. at the ownem <br />~~ The 1& to ro-natut1ilizo b pGIk area tbet baa <br />been dear tbr conBttUctioo. NO turf' Qt&Ue$ will be allow <br />within the park: property. <br /> <br />3} CoatI"actor shaU aw.intain tro$ion comrol measures on <br />. . park property until a smund cover bas been establithecl and <br />rtff:..-. ft>LlMI N0.... &f1m~$I;J,~~: approwd byParb and ~reaUon mdf. <br /> <br />Plaut List: <br />5 -. W W tit:..- tJ ~Jl- ~u f,~ trf..rTlE.t? ~ '--4-(3) PO JOin Oak - Qacn1I8 pa1~ 2.$" caI <br />. (9)./ cs Cokndo~-Picmpangens fflht <br />(6)v' S$ Shsdblow Sctvicebeny. AmcI~ eaed.<t 6' clump <br />(3) WH Wrttb Ham H.ImImIe1i5 ~ 4' bt <br />!S - blNNIJ-.I... MJ..PL,.t;;... $UB, ~~ (1:l)/<JD <1Jay~-~~. 10".~ <br />(13)./ AV, ~ 'II'ibImwm - ~d~..... W'ht. <br />(120) DR . Dwaf~e. DiemUakmkc:ta 121}1t <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />fmlltIIa~ Gf_ <br /> <br />Q\IKk $1Sfter <br />hlbl'nl!m~ <br />~hPlds tJIIi~ <br />28lllhllkRct <br />1otMIt,... ssm <br />(611) ~ <br />fa: {6I~ Q8.0911 <br /> <br />t40~; ~U; fUltru..,6.-- ~ -StA>re; M ULAU17b <br />WI 7Hfl-W~.f7 Wo~ . <br />