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<br /> <br /> two <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />". .11 bow th.t the u.e ot loc.l lue. 1Ia. bec:~ aaore aDd .-ore <br />popul.r. ~ more people u.e the lue, the iJ2CU".idu.l u.e. ot the <br />lake .,.t became more aDd more pa..i"... Zt i. ju.t .Ulple <br />aritlDletic th.t it there are teD bo.U em the lu., ..cb with <br />hor..pow.r in exc... ot 100 hor..power, the lU. became. crowded. <br />Bowe".er, you CaD put two or thr.e hUDdred CaDO.. em the lak. aDd th. <br />lak. i. not crowded. <br /> <br />Adding . n.w .l.lam cour.. to the .outh ad ot th. lU. would <br />1nt; DlaDY u..s of th. lak. .ucb .. f1sh1ng, ..,, ..11ing <br />aDd caDoeing aDd oth.r pa..1".e u.... Al.o, 1. aDother U8e ot <br />the lak. th.t we .ametUle. ov.rlook. n.t u.. 1. .u.ply look1ng .t <br />the lake aDd enjoy1ng the .ereD.ity aDd the .urroUDding .cenery. <br />n.t i. . legitblate u.e ot th. lue. fta..e pa.s:t".e u.e. are <br />cl..rly intimid.ted by "..ry tew people ruDDing . bo.ting club aDd <br />r....rving . l.rge .re. ot the lue tor the1r .o-c.lled .l.lam <br />cour.e. <br /> <br />r <br /> <br /> <br />At the pre.ent t.iJDe we .re not .dvoc.ting the aboH tiOD ot .11 <br />outbo.rd motors. 2'J:aere i. . legitimate u.e tor them on Lak. Ova..O <br />aDd 1 t CaD .ccCIIIDod.te DlaDY of them. <br /> <br />Bowever, Lake ow...o CaDDot toler.te aD .dd1tioaal .l.lam cour.e. <br />ne so-c.lled 300-foot rule now 1n Ro..v111e .p,p&reDtly prohibit. <br />the u.e of the South eDd ot the lue .. . .l.lam cour.e. ". <br />ther.fore r.que.t th.t the City tue no .Ct1OD aDd l..".e the <br />pr..ent ordinaDce .. it i.. <br /> <br />We would .1.0 recCIIIDend th.t the C1ty COUDc11 pa.. . re.olutiem <br />urging the .t.te legi.l.ture to ...ign to .ppropri.te bodie. of <br />gov.rDmeDt camplete regul.tiem ot the lu.. _eth.r thi. be the <br />loc.l munic:.ipaHty or the loc.l cOUDtie., it abould be . body th.t <br />i. .en.it1".. to aDd by the hOlleOWD.r. aDd oth.r u..r. of <br />the lake. zt Ro..".ille h.d the pow.r now .ppareDtly giYeD to the <br />Sherift our might be d1tferent. . <br /> <br />very truly your., <br /> <br />~~ <br /> <br />Canaen ..11 <br /> <br />cc: ..1ghbor. <br />Sen.tor JohD Jlarty <br />".. ~ndy ar.i11ng <br />......y Councy Sher1ff'. otfice <br /> <br />~i te~~ ~"\~I"\~~~~\\S <br /> <br />