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<br /> <br />..:lQ .J:.1 ~-AO.:1_Q.'.QC._. <br /> <br />,DT~-~,"" .-....- <br /> <br />08:38 <br /> <br />612-483-9186 <br /> <br />RICE CREEK W DIST <br /> <br />PAGE 02 <br /> <br />ltCWD PERMIT NO. 9&-121 CODdDued: <br /> <br />P.2 <br /> <br />They round the project .. p""nM to be in ~ ~th the Rules " RegWatiou md GuideliDes <br />0( the Dimict and ~fore approved the permit as requested. ~th the followiDg additioaal <br />ItipuJacioDl: <br /> <br />StiDUlation: App1icm1t IINIt CGD8trUet detention bum. .. detailed in the pJU1I submitted .. <br />Option 3. <br /> <br />It is the ~ or the Permittee to provide II meuures DK ~ to IXIDtam Mdimmt 011 the <br />lite 4urm, eGDItJ'UCtiDD. Tbia mq require the me or eroBioD eoDtI'Ol ZIIt8I\II'ft DOt aut1iDed on the <br />eI'OIion CODtI'Ol plmL IftJdl requinmeDt is DOt met. tbe Permittee 1l1li1 be CII'dered to pl'VVide .sditioaIIl <br />eraRaD control meuuNI if deemed "* ., by the I>iItrid. IzIIpeetor. It it aIIo the NIpODIibDity or <br />the pr~t.7 0WDe!' to protide DlCt -y IDIinteaaDee to UIUre that the ItonDwater I118D111"1MDt <br />"... approwed .. put of this Permit wiD ccmtmue to fImd:ioD u oriIiDaDY c1eIiped. <br /> <br />NOTE FOB PltOVIDEBS OF A CASH stmETY: Two (2) ~ or the projeet lite Ire iDcluded <br />with tbiI Permit. ODe ~ ...-.m. c:III1ft1 ~ IU'e iI1 pJIce aDd one lifter pnjec:t c:aaapletioD, <br />~ ad lilt fmce nIDGftI. IIDd wiD. be COGCiucted to 8IIUft eompu- with all ~ <br />terma, aad Iltiptt1-.HOQI or ,tbi8 PmDit. Faib.Ire to comply with tbe forepial JM.'f n.u1t in forfeiture <br />of ywz mah 1UI'ety. fW!"i-= or the PJ!I'IIIit, ad is m 'fiDJatioD. or Cbapter 112.89 MSA, . <br />mildl!lD.-or. PltMe DGtify the m.rict 0IJice ill writiDI wlam project is complete ADd penIIoID8Dt <br />~ eovw _ been ...b,~ acI . bl iDIpection will be made. ADy IddiUoDal iaIpaiaD. <br />~ or required. wiD be biDed at I25/viit. <br /> <br />'I"bia cIoeumeat is DOt tnrIIf'erable, mid ill .ad for eiPteeD. -w after the dale or~. No <br />c:aDItnICtioD is autboriHd De,oad the <L I' .. -. dIIte f1l K-* .. 18. If Permittee requirelmore <br />time to complete caucruct:ioD. . ....-1 ortbe Permit will be Dee nrJ!. <br /> <br />PI... eoatact RCWD at 488..0884 wbeD the pndeet it about to ~...,.. ~ In iDIpector IIIIL1 view <br />the wark in profp'fIM. By ~ of this Permit, Permittee _ CGDM!Dted to the Ii '. The <br />fD:1C11ed Owner's CdtHk.t.icm farm IDUIt be completed. aad farwuded. within ta (10) of 'eet <br /> <br /> <br />~ ~ <br /> <br /> <br />12. 1988 <br /> <br />jail: <br /> <br />Form C BeYiJecI 1191 <br />