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<br />08/09/96 09:43 F.\! 612 639 8939 <br /> <br />D J SE.\BERG <br /> <br />--....... ...... <br /> <br />iii 01 <br /> <br /> <br />Lease Pb. 8810 -1 .._____. <br /> <br />LEASE AGREEMENT <br /> <br />"9".:eme~ made October 2l , 1991 . by and between Dan" J)pvid 5e.'lberA" <br />and J)rmna :'o1adden------- (''Ie5sor''). and Naegele Dutdoor Advertu,ng, <br />rr;c.:-T"["es-see-.rr:- <br />1. Premises. The L@~$or, 4$ Owner or agent of the owner. of the fOllowing <br />premiSl!!s: ----- <br />Street Address: 3104 NOrth Fair'vie", _._.....p_. ....p ,,__. . <br />City or TowII: -1iO.~1'Ie -. ...__ <br />Legal Descri pt ;on:-mXI.III:IIU~"'l:ipi,tx :QrxX <br />in th@ County~~t*X)t Riup..e~ ._' Shte of Mj nne,o;ota _._.' <br />does hereby lease and arant exc uS1vely to the Lessee, that portio~l[He prem1ses <br />necessary to ~i~ (1 ) outdoor advertfs1ng structure($) w1th sufficient access to <br />allow Lessee to service and maintain such structure~). ~ <br />2. T@rm. This lease shall be for a term of (tl) y@arj /)e!'l1nni~0tI ~~X <br />1XI'r~1If(~'K Novcmbe.r 1 . 19}1 . 1IIIIhIIIUI.I h: eall1@, and shal1 <br />automatically renew from year to year. thereafter wtth the u~rstand1ng that the <br />;1f total renewal periods shall not exceed ten years. .1~h+e.C.1\,. \1!P <br />l'"3. Rental. Yearly rental shall be ~ Hundred and NO/IOO ----------------- <br />'(~O--;:::.~ Dollars payable 1hII1attI1,/year yrlJlll"-r~from the off1ce of leu@e:-..... <br />~.K~.~~I~l~X~~<<xHXSXXX~XXXXXXXXXXX~X>>x~~t~x.Kxxx <br />dOtiIf11t/tlX.'RJQJ1fIXMII'X\lnHXfil.'tXXbUtllllJUfrI<<1fCDfl>>XIqJdllX~I'Jc~(4!nIft1~ <br />cm:.t.~Xilm;liXmIDXK_kkldx:%<<J\'t'b>>Xf\ltUXlI"t!IJtIt~lIUmll~XMIIMKcmfdY.l:XXXX <br />cm:XM.~IXXXXXXX <br />4. Property. As between'Lessor and lessee all structures, equipment and <br />materiols placed upon the premises shall remain the property of Lessee and lessee <br />is granted the rig~to remove same frON lessor's premises wfthin a reasonable period <br />of time after the expiration of this Lease or any renewal tnereof. <br />5. Hold Harmless. Lessee shall save the Lessor harmless from all damage to <br />persons or property by reason of accidents resulting from the negllge~t Icts of its <br />agents. employees or others employed in the construction. maintenance. repair or <br />removal of its signs on the premises. <br />6. Condemnation. In the event of cond~n.tion or direct purchase sale to a <br />governmental agency while this lease i$ operative. lessee agrees to make no claim <br />to any proceeds due Lessor as a result of the condemnation, but retains a right to <br />pursue compensatton due it as a result of the taking and Lessor agrees tD take no <br />action inconsistent with Lessee's rights herein stated. <br />7_ Cancellation of Leese. Lessee - If the view of the premises or advertising <br />sign Dr 51gns erSctea tllereon-1S partially or whOlly ubstru~ted. or their advertising <br />vaTue impaired or d1minfsh@d by reduCed vehicular circul.tion. or the use of such <br />signs 15 prevented Dr restr1ct@d by law, the Lessee may immediately, at its option, <br />cancel this Tease and receive all rent paid for the unexpired term hereof. by giving <br />the lessor notice in wr1ting of such obstruction, impairment, prevention or <br />restriction of use. <br />8. Lessor's Resresentations. Un'ess specffieally stated otherwise herein, the <br />Lessor represenfs an warrants tnat Lessor is either the owner or the age~t of the <br />owner of the premises above described. has full authority to make this lease and <br />covenants lh.t Lessor will not permit a~ adjoining premise, owned or controlled by <br />Lessor, to be used for advertising purposes or permit Lessee'$ signs to be obstructed. <br />In the event of any transfer of Lessor's interest in the above described premi5e~, <br />LessOr agrees to promptly give [essee notice of such transfer to deliver to Lessor's <br />transferee written notice of the existence of this lease and a copy thereof. <br />9. Entire Agreement. It is expressly understood that neither the Lessor nor the <br />Lessee is"6ounr;l by any stipulations. representations 01' agreeJllents not printed or <br />written in this lease. This lease shall inure to the benefit of and be binding ~pgn <br />the personal representatives. successors and assigns of the parties hereto. provided <br />h~ever that this lease shall not be binding upon any secured party until delivery gf <br />written notice to the parties hereto by such secured party. <br />10. Miscellaneous. <br /> <br />_ __._.._____ _~"'r..I. _.. .__..____..~______.. ~. ---.. .---- ---- - .-. ... <br /> <br />.---.. ..----------.....--.----- <br /> <br />.--_._---_._._---~ -..-.. <br /> <br />.. . ~ ... .._ _ _.. _ _. _ .. _____---r___ _.._ <br /> <br />----- -----.- <br /> <br />Accepted this _2..L__.. day of ~"Th~~, 199.1.. <br /> <br />LESSEE: Approved by: <br />Haegele Outdoor Advertising. Inc_ <br />~ -c. .-J <br />By: Co <br />[ti- 'G"e" il-1fana-lier- -. . --. ---.. ---:- <br /> <br />LESSOR: <br />~ ~M!.";;I'I/- &E. .sF"~I\.Cr-J."""""'IJ\ fW!O~ <br />~TeT'traiileT""~:;t~.. . . - ""-".--- - 7-~-;-;0. <br />~)I1Al)J.,IJJ.~ "'-u. <br /> <br />668 Sullivan LrLve <br />ColLiDil~Talle1::l'ft'.!nm"-ffi"2T-. . . -- . " - <br />-rn-d'aressT'---" .. -- -... -." -.. <br />Soc; ill Security or Fed. WI 'f.J~~-~~2..Lt <br /> <br />Ag~nt of Naegele Ovtdoor Adverti$ing. lne, <br /> <br />By: ~ '--- <br />I""fs-r~i't:g Agent--'-'.---'.-- <br />