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<br />FROM :OPUS <br />~1"C'-Jf""1 I ,......K3 ,i N i.."""IW ,.." 1'<1"'. <br /> <br />TO <br /> <br />612491212931 <br />bolL ~~.:, '-'r-...u <br /> <br />1997,1212-12 1215:4121PM ~921 P.12I2/121 <br />.j.J:JJO.""~-"e.. .1('::)1 r. "&-It..-, I ."~'_" ""-' <br /> <br />O~.12.97 <br /> <br />:J.JaNSlt AG~EMENT <br /> <br />This License Aareem....t (tho "A&rwneDt") is entered into I'll of this _Ij._~ day of <br />E4 . . 1997 between Opus NortbW<1tJ L.L.C., a DelawlUfI limited liability company (the <br />"Ucensee") and .!l1.!P!!.! J.}(;$.. ~ U8r-fl-'F6~ -r /u.{.S ~_ (th~ "Ueeuor"). <br /> <br />Becitals an(lPreUmin.rv .ss.meaC of Fads: <br /> <br />1. The Licensor and the Cit)' of llusc.:ville. (the "aIY') have elltered into an Ortion <br />Agreement (the HOption)l) pUTsuant to which the J .k.mRl)t has agreed to convey certain property to th~ <br />City. 'the Property is dtseribed nn ~1(hl'bjt "A" (the "propert,"). The City hQ(I a*"d tlJ4: Licc.:nlle~~ to <br />consider accel)ting an aS6ignment of the Option. <br /> <br />. 2. The I.icensfIe bas requested the Licensor's penn1uion tu enter upon the Property fin <br />purposes of conducting certAin tests pi ior to entering into fomal ncgotiationB with the City ~80rding <br />th~ ~uisition of the Property by J",iOenscc... <br /> <br />3. The parties hereby intE'.ncf to agree upon the tenuS! And """ditions governing the pAnic,f\ <br />~ts and obligations with respect thereto, <br /> <br />In cowlic1t.ration of the Recitals, and other aoneS And valuiblc:: con&ideration, th~ rcccipt and <br />liufficienoy ofwhiC'JI is. horeby acknowledged, Ute Parties hereby agree A~ follows: <br /> <br />Covenants: <br /> <br />1. I..i~n~ to E~'f~.,. J ACt'JOOt hereby grants to HCElnsee a license to enter upon tho <br />'ropMy ful the purposes set forth herein (thf. "ucea'~"), Thi, LiQensc will pennit entry onto the <br />Property at such tilfl~ as mutuaUy -weed upon by Licensor and Licensee. Licen!W:'s light to enter <br />and perform the work descl ibc:d herein wil) extend to Licengac'g agents, architect!!, cng;n~ and <br />contractors. The relationship bt'!tween Licensor and J .iCM&ee is not one of luuUord and tenanf hut <br />T'lthcr one of licensor and licensee, The Lic:co!lr. ~tcd by tb.$ Agaeement may be rr.voked by <br />Licenllor xt "ny tUne. <br /> <br />2. 11Ie Natmot of Work to be Performed. J ~ccnsee may. pur5u8111. 10 this <br />Asreemerl~ exanul1c, 8Urvey, mak.o tcfi borinp. aoJ1 beariil8 tcs~. ground water tests IIlId may <br />make other C11g1neel'in8, tllvironmental, tJood bazard or landSCIping te9ts or IUlVeYS which Licensee <br />deems reuonably DC('.c.~C"U'Y (collectively, the "Workll). There sIudl be no sradin~ pertorJh~ till thr. <br />I'roperty nor IhalI any trees or bushes be cut by Licensee. <br /> <br />3. ComDliance with Law. Ru..... ReIlUlations aDd Coda. Licensee shall carry out <br />or cause to b, carried out the Work at its sole cost and ~se, in 111 marmer so as to avoid <br />unreasonabty interfering with or ftJtellUpting the nom181 business opcn1ion and quiet eQjOYlnc1n uf <br />the Licensee with respe.ct to the Property, in fidl compliant"~ with aD applicable gOVC'l1'UD8Dtl1Iaws, <br />nJlp.s, regulations and cod('!~. J .k.t~. *t its &ole co(:t and eA.pea~ .laaJI obtain any and 1'111 permits. <br /> <br />161427 <br />