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<br />I'""ROM : OPUS <br />.PROM Ip~ReIN ~RW FIRM <br /> <br />TO <br /> <br />612491212931 <br />.12: ;5~~ e.'7~e <br /> <br />1997,1212-12 1215:40PM ~921 P,12I3/04 <br />1~~"ZI2-12 lbl:.!l ab'::1l1 !-'.I(I"/"'''' <br /> <br />licenses and appmvalli that may be rQquircd in order to make lawful Licensee's entry onto the <br />Pwpclty in pedbrmance of the Work. <br /> <br />4.. Licmsce ResDOI1IIb1e for Safety Ind I'roDerty. Ucenscc'. activities wiChin the <br />Property shall be at its sol.o risk, and Lioensor shDJI not be ff.sronsible for th6 aately ()fI.ic;cn~ Of <br />its agents or Cl111'Jloyccs or for lhe condition or Jo!:s of any items of personal property brought OI)tO <br />the Property. <br /> <br />. S. Ikenlee It_DOutblt f~~ >>amuf., Licensee as.~mM fhll rcsponsimlity for nU <br />dll11A8cs or lo~r.' "fiw_g awn Licensee's eony upon the Property and the performance oUhe lC$.Ung <br />permitted hereby. . <br /> <br />. 6. JAcm.. Inclemalraes LitenSOL Licensee IihaU defend. ind~nnjfy, plOlect and hold <br />harmless Licensor, its heirs. IUC'.r.eRS018 apd assigns again~ and from A1l1~abi1itie8. ob1i'abonF., IO!l.UR, <br />damages, penahi~ clainu, liens, COIlS and expenges (including, without limitation, rea.nnfthle <br />attorney" fee.~) III~aincd. ~red or incurred by Licensor as a result of 81\)' lJreach by Licensee of any <br />covenant or conditiOIl of this Agreement or as result of l.icen~'lC C!ntry onto the Propen.y or <br />performance of the Work. <br /> <br />The partiC5 have c:Ilecutoo d1ia Early Access Agrcemmt as Ofthe~daY ofFebnwy, J997. <br /> <br />LICENSEE <br /> <br />OpUI Northwrst, L.LC... a Delaware timikd <br />IlahllifJ r.ompRDY <br /> <br />Dy: <br />Its: <br /> <br />.....-....~,..,--- <br /> <br />----...... <br /> <br />LICENSOR: <br />/l1i1tuo'n_G." ~/<V"~'FD~._~.s(" <br />My: C2?,Q?~ <br /> <br />lu: ~p.i~_ <br /> <br />1614:27 <br /> <br />2 <br />